The 3rd International Seminar on Natural Resources and Environmental Management 2023 (The 3rd ISeNREM 2023, Bogor, Indonesia, 27th-28th July 2023)
Sustainable Development and Environmental Science Toward New Era Widiatmaka Widiatmaka
Natural resources play an important role in a country's development. However, natural resources have been exploited and used inefficiently due to intensive development, which give impacts on production effectiveness and worsens the surrounding ecosystem. Natural resources can provide a source of revenue for governments to invest in energy infrastructure, expanding energy access [1] as well as various aspect of economic development of the country. On the other hand, exploiting natural resources can negatively affect local communities, the environment, and energy affordability [2], as well as many aspects of life.
The degradation of natural resources due to anthropogenic and natural activities has become a major focus of policymakers who want to balance sustainable economic growth with environmental conservation. Sustainable development, which aims to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, is a joint program of countries worldwide to create natural resources and a sustainable environment.
Through long stages of development, sustainable development has developed its application throughout the world, from the formulation of Agenda 21, Millennium development goals until now sustainable development goals. Even though the concept has come a long way, its implementation for environmental improvement still needs to be better understood, researched and disseminated so that its benefits for community welfare can be more effective.
Much research related to natural resources and the environment with various approaches, methods, and tools has been carried out in Indonesia and various other countries. Government policy studies have been produced to create natural resources and a sustainable environment. To disseminate research results, international seminars are a platform that can be used to exchange knowledge, research results, and policy studies between researchers, practitioners, and policymakers.
The International Seminar on Natural Resources and Environmental Management (ISeNREM) is an annual seminar since 2019 organized by the Natural Resources and Environmental Management Science (NREMS) Study Program, Graduate School of IPB University. It aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, postdoctoral fellows, industry representatives, and research scholars worldwide. The seminar is expected to be a "kick-off" event for exchanging scientific information from various scientific disciplines between experts from many countries in natural resources and environment management, as well as creating networks and collaborations in further research to find solutions to environmental problems.
The 3rd International Seminar on Natural Resources and Environmental Management 2023 was conducted online via Zoom meeting on July 27th – 28th, 2023. The theme of this seminar is "Sustainable Development and Environmental Science Toward New Era". The seminar provided a unified communication platform for researchers on various Sub-Theme related to natural resources and environment management, such as Environmental Management and Policy, Environmental Dynamics and Ecosystem Services, Global Environmental Change and Disaster Management, and Natural Resources Science.
ISeNREM 2023 was held in a hybrid form, featuring on-site and online presentations. The first keynote speech was from Minister of Environment and Forestry (represented by Dr. Ir. Bambang Hendroyono, M.M., IPU, Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Republic of Indonesia). The second keynote speech was from Director General of Food Crops, Ministry of Agriculture, Republic Indonesia (represented by Dr Happy Suryati from Directorate of Seedling, Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia). Lastly, the keynote speech was delivered by Prof. Ho San Kang, from Institutes of Green Bio Science and Technology (GBST), Seoul National University.
ISeNREM 2023 provided eight parallel sessions and four invited speakers covering various natural resources and environment management. The first invited speaker was Prof. Dr Mark Williams from the University of Leicester, UK. He discussed Environmental Management and Policy. Followed by Prof. Damayanti Buchori from IPB University, Indonesia. She talked about Environmental Dynamics and Ecosystem Services. The third invited speaker was Prof. Dr. Željko Bacić from the Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia. His topic was Global Environmental Change and Disaster Management. The last invited speaker discussed Natural Resources delivered by Prof. Yoshino Kunihiko from The University of Tokyo, Japan.
Many substantial results were shared at ISeNREM 2023 by enthusiastic participants from five countries including Indonesia, Cyprus, Belgium, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam. In the registration process, there are more than 179 participants registered by sending abstracts. After being selected by the committee, finally, 143 abstracts were accepted. A total of 100 excellent papers on natural resources and environment management related to the seminar were selected through peer review for the publication of the proceedings of IOP 2023. The proceedings are expected to accelerate interdisciplinary collaboration and develop better cooperation among different research groups, either for basic research or technology developments. Hopefully, the results of the ISeNREM 2023 will provide valuable information on natural resources and environmental management to support the government's programs in this sector.
Finally, we would like to thank the authors, all reviewers, and scientific committees who have contributed to the publication of this manuscript. Thank you to the IOPs for enabling this manuscript to be published to a broader audience. This international seminar was organized in collaboration between many parties: Study Program of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Graduate School, IPB University; the University Network for Disaster Risk Reduction (UN4DRR), a consortium of Erasmus Program, and Environmental Research Center, IPB University. Gratitude and recognition were also delivered to the sponsors who have participated in funding this seminar, among others, the Ministry of Environments and Forestry, the Geospatial Information Agency, and the Directorate of International Program, IPB University.
List of Committees, Proceeding Editorial Board, Documentation of The 3rd ISeNREM 2023 are available in this pdf.