My, BOO! (YoonMin Story) [PART 1/2] - RhanzAlwaysWrites - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)


"Sir.. it's already raining" said by the man behind Yoongi..

he turns to look at him.. "i know.. im not stupid" he said coldly..

the man just bowed.

then he turned to the other side .. "so? are you gonna pay me or what?" he asked the man kneeling in front of him.

"sir sorry.. please give me more time.. i still can find a job.. and this house is the only treasure that i got."

yoongi smirked "hey.. that's not on our contract.. i said if you cant pay in due time you will give me your house. "

"sir please.. me and my family have nothing left if you get this house." he was crying continuously.


while he was pleading he tries to hug my knee, i stepped back..

i don't want anyone touching me. i just cant.

"what the hell?!" i was about to kicked him when we heard a shout..

"pa!" he called then run towards where we were standing..

he helped the man to stand up.. "what are you doing.." i heard him whispered while pulling him..

the man pushed him.. "don't interfere! you bastard! because of you that's why im in this situation! i wish you would die you freak!" he shouted


the man cried .. "pa.." he murmured

"dont call me pa! im not your father! " the man shouted at him..

im just enjoying the drama.. the boy looked at me.. he is crying a river .. i lift my left brow.

"please sir.. forgive my father... whatever that is.." then he kneel down too..

"what are you doing?" his father asked..

"please sir.. i promise i will pay you.. give us time.." then he bowed lower.

i heaved a deep sigh..

"how can i be so sure that you will pay me on time?" i asked..

he looked up on me.. "i never break my promise sir.." he stared at me.. eye to eye.

i blink.. then look at the other side.. "okay.. fine.. i will give you extension.. Friday?" i said.

he gulped.. then slowly nod.. "o-okay sir.. t-thanks" he said sobbing..

"ya!" his father beat him.. the f*ck? "i told you not to interfere! " he is so angry

"pa.. promise i will pay him,. ill look for a job,.."

he kicked the boy.. "i don't need your help! i want you to leave us! you ungrateful bastard! "

the boy tried to pull his dad but he yanked it.. "dont touch me! i dont wanna see you again here.. and get your spirits stuff! i dont need weird sh*ts in my house anymore!"

i smirked.. the boy looked at me.. damn with those eyes.

i heaved a deep sigh.. i looked at my body guard.. "come on.. lets go home" i said

they escorted me..

i was about to get in my car when someone pulled me in my wrist..

"the hell?" i murmured then turn around to know who the hell it was..

"sir.." the boy said.. i looked at his hand holding my wrist. why im not mad?

i looked back at him.. when our eyes met .. i pulled my wrist.

"what?!" i asked coldly while caressing my wrist..


I took something in my pocket.. and handed it to him..

"here.. please bring this always with you" i said..

i grab his hand and put it in his palm.. i closed it.

he looked at it.. confused.. "what is this?" he said trying not to sound annoyed.

"it's an amulet.. " he looked at me.. "it will keep you safe from any danger and bad spirits"

he chuckled.. "what the f*ck? i don't believe in those stupid things okay?" then he threw it away..

"but--" he didn't let me finish.. he gets in the car immediately..

i pout.


while in the car.

"the father was right.." the driver said..

yoongi opened his eyes.. he is seating at the back.. "what?" he asked confused but annoyed

"the boy.. he is weird." he said chuckling..

yoongi just rolled his eyes. "yeah. no kidding.." then he heaved a deep sigh.


"here! all your stuffs! dont ever go back in here! you bring bad luck in my family since you moved with us!" the man angrily said while throwing jimin's things outside the house

"pa.." he cried.. the rain was pouring heavily..

"i told you im not your pa! stop calling me that! i don't have a freak son!" after he said those he closed the door and locked it..

jimin left outside sobbing while he picks one by one his scattered stuffs.


while bowed down fixing his things.. i saw the amulet .. i picked it up..

"that man.. i hope he is fine.. " i whispered..

i saw him in my dream last time.. he was chased by the unknown ghost.. i cant clearly saw her face but i knew that she was a lady..

i put it in my pocket and brought my bags and other things.. i looked up at the dark sky..

still raining.. "where can i stay?" i murmured while walking away from my house..

yeah.. that was my own house.. my parents gave it to me..

i cried.. that family.. i was the one who helped
and gave them home..

but what did they do? they throw me at my own house! .. i pout..

i don't know why they really hates me.. i didn't do anything bad about them..

i heaved a deep sigh when i realized that i was going through a dark road but continued to walk..

im not afraid of the dark.. actually i love it..

i feel so calm and peaceful when im in a dark places..i don't know why..

but im not a vampire.. okay?

"hey! hey!" i heard voices.. i just continued to walk..

"hey! hey!" they keep calling me.. but i didn't bother to entertain them.. i pout..

i covered my ears.. "stop please stop bothering me!" i shouted..

some people looked at me.. like a crazy boy.. i pout..

"where are you going?" ask by this unknown..

"none of your business." i answered coldly..

they were sad.. "you will leave? what about us?"

i stopped and looked at them.. "ya! just rest in peace okay? your loved one doesn't remember you at all.. "


"but.. you promised you will help us bring the justice for our deaths" said the other ghost..

YES. he can see and talk to ghost.

that why his Pa always call him freak.. or weird.. because jimin always saying weird stuffs..

"but.. how? i don't have any idea where you guys came from.. " jimin stated..

the ghost turns to him "jiminssshiii please help us before leaving?" she plead..

jimin pouts.. he is soft heart.. "aish!! how? " he said in a frustrated manner..

"hmmm.. by finding our relatives? then ask them about us.. you can start there " said the other ghost with excitement..

he heaved a deep sigh.. "ugh.. fine.. ill help you.. im not that bad okay?" then he continued to walk..

"dont worry.. if you you helped us, maybe we can help you too in the near future.." she said smiling

jimin just shake his head and heaved a deep sigh.

he reached the market, those ghost still following him.. blabbering about something not so important..

"hey.. about the man earlier" jimin stopped and turns to her..

"yeah.. what about him?" he asked..

1 AM


"dont leave please.. i don't wanna be here alone.. please? please yoongi-ah..."

i woke up after hearing that sound.. i covered my ear.. "uh.. bad dream again" i murmured..

that girl.. who is she?

i pout.. she is always in my dreams.. i heaved a deep sigh and get off the bed

i got thirsty i need a cold water.


"you saw it too right?" the ghost1 said..

i nod slowly.. "yeah.. " then i took off the amulet that i gave to him earlier but he threw it ..

"why you didn't tell him?" she asked..

"how? he clearly said that he doesn't believe in those things.. besides.. he even threw this.. " i said while looking at this little thing.

i pout. this thing will at least keep him safe from bad omen or spirits.

"her.. aura was not good.. you know it too right??" i bit my bottom lip..

yeah. that girl was so mad at him.. "i bet she always follows the guy" ghost2.

i looked at her.. i just shrugged.. i don't know.. maybe?

"you will help him too right?" the ghost child asked.. yeah i have three ghost friends.

2 girls (middle ages) and 1 boy (child)

i looked at him.. "why? he is a bad guy.. he kicked my pa why would i help him" i said in an angry tone

"no he's not.. "

i crossed my arms in front of my chest "well.. he was about to.." i lift my brows to annoy him

he rolled his eyes.. this child is a brat.. but he is cute..

they are not related to each other.. i don't know how they found each other and they decided to be together.

after of a long walk.. i stopped at a empty house near the forest..

i pout "maybe i can stay here for the night.. im already tired.. and the rain was still pouring.."

"don't worry we can accompany you so you wont be sad" said by the other ghost..

i looked at them annoyed .. " ya! you are ghosts.. you think it might be comfortable if you are lingering around in the middle of the night.?"

the ghost child chuckled "yeah.. he's not wrong.."

i lift my left brow "hey.. that includes you." i said mocking him

"fine! we will stay from a far okay? " the other ghost offered

i just rolled my eyes "yeah.. do that..whatever"

i went outside, it's dark.. as usual.. good thing there's a chair and table there..

i heaved a deep sigh and put my things on the table.

i look around for some other stuffs that i can use for a small fire.. its so damn cold.


i cant sleep.. ugh.

i get up i held my head.. "who is she?" i asked myself..

i cant see clearly her face.. she keeps saying that dont leave her..

i shook my head.. and then a moment later my phone rang.


YG : Talk

MAN : Sir.. sorry to disturb you but we got a problem

i raised my left brow

YG : what kind of problem?

MAN : about your mom.

i stood up immediately..

YG : what about her? what happened?



"good morning jiminshiii" the ghost greeted him

he just looked at her then walk pass through her

she pouted.. "what are you doing? wow you have muscles" she said while admiring jimins biceps.

"i didn't have much clothes to change with. dont drool.. you are not my type" he said seriously while picking some dry woods.

the ghost just followed him..

"i know!" the ghost said.. jimin turns to her.. "you knew?" he chuckled..

"yeah.. i know you dont like girls" she said smiling..

jimin widened his eyes .. "ya! im not talking about that! im talking about.. you.. you are a ghost .. im not into dating ghosts" he explained

the ghost tilt his head "oh.. sorry.. i didn't get that"

jimin smirked "yeah.. obviously.." then he walk pass through her.

"what happened to that scar on your shoulder?" the ghost asked him

jimin touched it.. "i don't know.. i already have this since birth" he murmured..


"you okay now?" yoongi asked his mom,

she smiled and held yoongi's hand "im fine son.. dont worry too much.. mama is just old that's why i have so many pains."

yoongi pouts "i was so worried.. " he said with a little tear

his mother tapped his head.. "hey dont cry.. you are such a baby.."

he wiped his tears "im not a baby anymore.. i beat a lot of guys.. you know right?"

her mother chuckled then nod "yeah.. you are a trouble maker back then"

"are you sure you dont want me to accompany you?" he asked worried

his mother nod, "yeah.i will be fine dont worry" then he caress yoongi's cheek

she looked at yoongi's eye.. she saw something..


"why? is there something wrong?" i asked.. because she looked at me in the eye and stopped for a while.

she tilt her head.. "you met him" she whispered..


he looked at me again.. "ugh.. no.. sorry.. forget it.."

i pout. what was that?

then a moment later her body guards already called her

"okay my ride is here" she said then kissed me in my forehead.. "don't skip your meal okay?"

i smiled "of course.. i will die if i didn't eat mom.." i said chuckling..

"you know.. you cant die in poverty.. " she winked..

i nods.. "yeah yeah i know.. im just saying.."

she just smiled at me.. "bye for now.. see you soon!" she said then got in the car.

i heaved a deep sigh.


after i ate my breakfast.. im ready to go for another walk.. i cant stay here..

and i need to help these ghost.. or else they wont leave me. i pout.

"so where are we going now?" ask by the ghost child.

"in your town.. you said you only remember the city where you lived right?" i asked him

he nods.. "okay.. we will go there.. i hope we can find something.."

i heaved a deep sigh..

after a long walk.. we reach the small town..

there weren't too many people here.. i looked around..

"there.. ask her" the ghost girl said pointing to a grandma walking towards us..

she is looking seriously at me.

i pout.. she is scary.. i walk slowly towards her..

i stopped when she gets closer.. "uhmm hi?" i greeted her..

she looked at me from head to toe. "why are you here? and why you brought them?"

my eyes widened.. she can see them too.. "you can see them?" i asked..

she nods.. "yeah.. "

"why are you here?" she asked again..

"uhm.. this child.. he wants to know where his family lives.. he cant get a rest because it bothers him." i explained..

she looked at the child.. "i dont remember him.. are you sure you lived here?" she asked the kid.

the kid looked up on him.. "yeah.. i know i lived here" he answered,,

the grandma looked at me.. "and the two behind you?" she asked..

"oh.. same situation.." i said..

she heaved a deep sigh.. "if you got time.. come to my house. i will show you something" she said..

i tighten the grip on my bag.. what is it?

she started to walk ahead..

i looked at the two ghost behind me who is also clueless .. i just shrugged..

"let's just follow her.. maybe she know something.." i whispered..

they all just nods.


"here.. keep this.."

"he can help you.."

"dont run.. she cant hurt you.. as long as you are with him.. "

yoongi started to run fast..

"dont.. just dont... YAaaaa!! you wont be happy! i will kill you!!! "

yoongi woke up.. "ugh.. another bad dream" he whispered..

he is sweating heavily..

he shook his head.. "what does it mean? who is she?" he murmured..

he closed his eyes for a while.. "and that.. that boy.. why he is in my dream?"


while out of my thoughts.. i didn't notice my bodyguard entered my office.

"sir.." he called me..

i looked up on him.. "yes?"

"its Friday now.. " he reminded me..

"oh yeah.. please ready the car.. we will go now" i ordered..

he just nods and leave.

we arrived there fast.

i looked around.. it seems like there is no one there..

i was about to knock when i heard them talking inside..

"that boy.. he is so stupid.. atleast we have his house. " i heard him saying..

"he is so weird.. i cant take it anymore.." the other girl said..

"what about your debt? how can you pay Mr Min? it's Friday.. "

he heaved a deep sigh.. "yeah.. i still dont know.. since jimin is no longer with us we will starved to death.. its been 5 days since i kicked him out."

i cant listen to them anymore so i kicked the door

they are all shocked when they saw me.

i smirked.. "it's Friday.." i simply said..


"here.. " the grandma hand me an old news paper..

i took it and checked it.. the child ghost sat beside me..

"105 local residents found dead on a fire.."

"here.. grab a drink" i looked up.. he smiled at me "hello"

i smiled too "hi.. " he offered me a hand shake "im V.. and you?"


he sat down across from me.. "so you are a psychic too?" he asked amazed..

i shook my head.. "uhm.. no.. im not.." he tilt his head "oh? but you can see ghost?"

i nods.. im wondering.. i looked at him.. something was wrong..

"he is blind" the grandma said.. maybe she noticed that im scanning him..

"oh.. but you manage to gave us a drink?"

he smiled "im used to do that.. and my grandma she trained me well, "

i nod.. "wow.. " i was amazed..

"you met him.. right?" V said out of nowhere..

i lift my left brow "who?" i met a lot of people..

"the man.. who is always having a bad dreams.. about a lady"

"a man?.. " i repeated..

"even he is blind he can see un usual things.. " his grandma said..

"wow.. what a gift" i murmured..

"it's not.. i hate this.. that's why i blinded my self"

"what? you did that?"

he nods.. "he cant take it anymore.. seeing ghost and other things.. so he tried to poked his eye.. but.. "

i pout.. "that's sad'

but he smiled.. "im not.. im happy.. i met you.. " he said..


he held my hand and caress it.. "you will meet him again.. dont let him go.. you both need each other" he said meaning fully.


"the man.. with a lady spirits lingering" the other ghost said..

"oh.. Mr. Min.." i murmured..

he nods.. "yeah.. he will be needing you.. i dont know maybe he is looking for you now" he said smiling..

i just shrugged.. well he cant find me since im far ..

"so my parents?" the child ghost talked.. "ow sorry we almost forgot hehe" then i scanned the newspaper again..


"leave now." yoongi said to the family and throw they're things outside.

"but s-sir.. my son.. he will be back and pay you.. he was the one who asked for a extension right?" the man said.

yoongi smirked.. "just go.. i have the house now.. i don't need your money. "

they picked up their things one by one


after they leave.. i checked my watch..

i stayed there for a while.. "he is still not here" i whispered..

"sir it's getting late" the body guard approached me..

i heaved a deep sigh and stood up..

i was about to leave the house when i saw someone behind the door..

a lady in black.. he is staring at me.. her eyes was red and she is crying blood.

i narrowed my look.. i cant see her clearly because some parts of the house was dark but im sure that there is someone on that door.

i was about to walk closer when someone blocked me.

i was shocked.


"dont go to her" i said looking at him..

he looked at me.. i pout..

he looked back at the door.. the image was gone..

then suddenly i grab his wrist and i put him the bracelet.

"ya!" he shouted.. i smiled coz i put it successfully.

"its your protection" i said..

he was about to pull it off but i stopped him.. "please.. don't.. trust me. "


yoongi looked at him..

"the spirit .. she is strong.. she can hurt you so please wear it for now"

"what spirit?" he asked confused..

jimin leaned closer to him.. "the lady.. you dreamed of her too right?"

he slowly nods..

he heaved a deep sigh.. "she is bad.. he wants to hurt you" jiimin explains..

"that guy is afraid.. " the ghost child whispered

jimin looked at him.. "hey.. dont talk when adults are talking.." he said..

yoongi got confused because jimin talking to himself alone.

"ya who are you talking too?"

then jimin looked back at him again.. he smiled "oh sorry.. my ghost friends" he said simply..

he stepped back "what? you have ghosts friends?"

jimin just nods.. "yeah.. i have three.. dont worry they cant harm you.. they are good ghost"

he heard yoongi laughed.. "oh sh*t.. you are crazy.." he said while nodding..

jimin pouts.. "i-im not!"

"here.. i dont need this" then he gave back the bracelet..

"but si-sir" he left them there ..

"dont worry he will be back" said by the ghost behind me.. while looking at them leaving..

the ghost looked at jimin.. he is sad.. "hey.. it's not your fault.. if something bad happened to him.. it's his choice.. you just tried to help him and he refused it."

"but.. remember what grandma and V said earlier..' he whispered

"yeah yeah.. the lady was so powerful and he can kill the man.. but we tried okay? "


"i think you need to leave" V said..

"why?" i asked worried..

"the man.. he is in your house.. the lady.. she will attacked tonight"

"you sure?"

grandma nod "yeah. i can feel it too.. "

i heaved a deep sigh.. i looked at the ghost child,.. "its okay jiminsii.. help him first" he said smiling..

"you sure? im sorry we cant find answers here about your death."

he nods "it's fine.. we have a lot of time"

"no you don't" V talked again..

i lift my left brow..

"you've been on earth for almost 20 days now.. on your 40th day.. if you still dont know why you died.. you wont find peace.. you will stay here for good with all that questions.."

the child pouts "so.. i need to find the answers before my 40th day?" he asked

V nods "yeah.. so you can rest in peace now.. no one wants to stay here all alone.. the afterlife was better. " he explained.

i sat down and looked at the boy.."hey dont worry.. we still have 20 days okay?" i cheered him up

"you wont leave till you find my peace?" he asked.

i nod "yes promise.. ill help you all.. " then i smiled..

he tried to hugged me but its not possible..

"stop crying.. we need to leave now"

"here.. once you saw him.. give it to him,, " then he handed me a red stone..

i just nods.


while seating comfortably on the back of my car..

i noticed something on the rear view mirror..

i looked back.. "what the hell?" i whispered.. the driver heard me

"what is it sir?" he asked..

"uhm.. n-nothing.. i thought i saw someone on the back"

the driver stopped the car on the side to checked..

he looked at me...

then i saw her.. outside.. she is looking at me. f*ck!

"there!" i pointed her.. but when the driver turned she was gone already..

im sweating right now.. f*ck..

"are you okay sir?" he asked..

i looked at him.. then nods slowly.. "uhh yeah.. please .. lets leave" i ordered..


yoongi just finished showered.. he was about to put his laundry to the basket when he noticed something in the pocket of his suit.

he took it.. "a stone?" he whispered..

then he remembered..


while jimin walking closer to yoongi.. he secretly drop the stone to his pocket.

because he knew yoongi will not accept the bracelet.

"that guy.. he put it on purpose" he murmured.

he was about to throw it .. but he realized something..

"maybe that is why the ghost lady cant do anything to me earlier because i have this on my pocket.. She cant come near me.." he whispered while examining the stone

he nods.. "okay.. ill keep you" then he put it on his side table..

then threw his used clothes to the laundry baskets.



"I'm tired!" i exclaimed.. the sat down on the road..

we've been walking for hours now.. huhu..

"hey.. a little more.. we will reached the bus stop .." the ghost girl said..

i looked at her.. "you guys are lucky.. you wont feel tired anymore " i pout..

the child walks towards me.. "we can rest for a while jiminsii" he said sweetly

i just smiled at him.. "you know you are cute sometimes" i said.. he just pouts.

"ya!" i heard a yell..

we all turned our backs to look

my eyes widened.. i stood up immediately..

he walks towards me.. he looked at me straightly without even blinking..

"who are you talking too?" he asked..

"oh.. uhmm some frie--" he didnt let me finish.. he flash in my face the stone..

i gulped. he found it..

"herE" he said then took my hand and put it there. i pout..

"i dont need that" he said..

i just nod.. fine.. whatever.. "o-okay.." i lowered my head while looking at the stone.

he heaved a deep sigh.. that's why i looked back at him..

he later pull me in my wrist..

"ya!" i shout.. i yanked his hand.. "what are you doing.." i asked..

"what? im taking you home.. " he said simply

i raised my left brow.. "why?"

he chuckled.. then walks towards me.. he is so close!

i can even smell his minty breath. i looked at his lips.. why so red? he noticed it.

"you are the only one who can explain what's happening to me lately and about the lady in my dream.. who is she?"

i pout.. " i dont know her.."

he laugh.. "what?! you dont know..? ugh. so im wasting my time here?" he said in a frustrated tone.

i lowered my head "i only know one thing.. " then i looked up on him..

and the in his back..

"she is always with you."

his eyes widened and run fast at my back.

"ya! seriously?!" he asked.. while busy hiding at my back..

"yeah.. she follows you everywhere.. but if you have the stone she cant harm you" i explained..

i turned to him "here.. keep it " i gave it back to him..

"no i dont need that" seriously?! he is so hard headed..

"fine.. im tired of forcing you to keep this.. okay? " then i walked pass through him

he stopped me by pulling me in my arm.. "why would i keep that? if i can have you?"

i gave him a look.. "what?"

he heaved a deep sigh.. "since the ghost follows me everywhere.. you need to be with me too. so i will know if she will do something to me"

i crossed my arms "and why would i do that?" i lift my left brow

he walked towards me again, super close..


this guy is really something.. i walked closer to him..

i dont know.. i dont want other people touching me or even getting close to me

but this guy.. tss..

"because you owe me" i whispered..

"what? i owe you what?"

i smirked "hey.. i got your house.. if you help me get rid of that girl you can have it." i explained.

he pouts.. "oh. that's why my family wasnt there anymore.. they gave it to you?"

"no. i took it from them.. they dont pay me.. so i need a collateral.."

he pouts again.. why he always do that?? i lick my lower lip. damn those lips

i shook my head when i realized ive been fantasizing him.

"do you have any idea where are they now?"he asked..


"m-my family.." he said in low voice

"they are not your family.. " he looked up on me..

"if they are they wont kick you out...." he added


jimin became sad.. yoongi noticed it

"hey.. you coming or what?" he gets impatient.

he shooked his head.. "no thanks.. just keep this okay" then he gave back the stone.

"ya!" yoongi yells

but jimin continued walking..

"i thought you will help him?" the ghost girl said..

"i changed my mind.. he is a bad guy.. now my family was nowhere to find" i whispered

"jiminshiii you know they are not your real family.. sir is right.. remember V said?" the child added

i stopped and looked at him "i dont care anymore! " then started to walk again.

"jiminshii! look!" the other ghost girl shouted..

he turns around immediately

he saw yoongi lying already on the road.. he runs fast..

"what happened?" jimin asked as he came to yoongi

he was unconscious..


i saw the stone on the floor.. he wont listen!

i slapped him lightly.. "hey.. wake up!" i whispered..

"maybe he needs air?" the other ghost said..

i looked at her.. "we're already outside what kind of air did he needs?" i said sarcastically..

"or kiss him.. maybe he will wakes up." said by the other ghost

"yeah.. i remembered watching something like that.. he kissed the sleeping girl and she wakes up" added by the other ghost.

i just rolled my eyes.."and why would i kiss him? im not a prince!" i whispered..

this ghosts just giving me headache.

"or beat him with a wood" the young ghost suggested..

i looked at him.. "hey.. go! get me some.." i ordered..

i looked at him.. i smiled "ya!" he said.. then get up

i knew he was just pretending..

"see? " i said smirking..

he pouts.. "so they suggested that you beat me ? they are bad!" he said..

i laugh a little he is like a child.. complaining..

i looked at him "yeah.. " then nod..

"and why you didn't try the kiss?" he said smiling..

ugh... "like im gonna do that? pssh.." the i started to walk again..

"hey.. it's late.. i will drop you wherever you want" he offered..

i stopped

"go.. you're tired right?" the ghost asked..

yeah im tired.. i pouts..


while im driving i dont know what to feel.. he is seating at the back.

"uhm.. why you didnt sit here? im not your driver" i said annoyed

he gave me a bored look.. "nana wants the shotgun ride.. "

"whos nana?"

"the lady ghost.. i told you i have friends!" he explained

the hell.. so.. im seating beside a ghost? what the f?

"so how many of us are all in here now?" im sweating in fear.. the fudge

"4" he simply said

"oh. that many?" i murmured.. he just nods..

he looked at his left side "the ghost child sitting here.. " then he pointed his right side "and the other lady is in here"

i just nod slowly..

"hey.. don't stick your head outside.. " he talked alone there..

i just shook my head..

it will be a long ride.. with him.. or them...


jimin wakes up in someones bed.. he looked around..

"where am i?" he whispered..

he saw nana and the two looking at him .

"you over slept jimini" the boy said..

"ugh.. that man.. he said he will only drop us to the station"

"yeah.. but he take us in his home and its huge!!!.. " nana said excitedly..

jimin pouts.. "but we need to find juniors parents"

junior sat beside him.. "maybe we can find them here.. right?" he said smiling..

"yeah... let's try our luck in here.." meng said.

(GHOSTS NAMES (the boy - junior) (Meng - 23 ) (Nana - 18)


after we talked.. i decided to get off of the bed..

i did take a shower since i saw some clothes in there..

while busy drying my hair.. my tummy growls.. "im hungy" i whispered

then i walked out of the room..

i look around.. its a long hallway.. i pouts.. this house was big.

i walked silently.. i dont have slippers .. but its okay..

i was about to go downstairs when i heard something..

i stopped ot that door..

i leaned closer.. i can hear voices...

"i will kill him.. i will kill him.. i will kill him!!!!" I stepped back when she screamed.

then i didnt notice someone behind me.

i stepped on his toes.. "ouch!" he hissed..

"omo.. im sorry.." i said then i kneel down and touched his foot.

"hey.. stop" he said in a cold tone

"im so sorry sir.." then i caress his foot..

"i said get up!" i looked up on him.. i pout..

he pulled me up.. "why you did that?" his eyes was angry..

"im sorry.. i didn't know you are standing behind me.. and i know i am heavy that's why i know it hurts---" he didn't let me finish.

i dont know why he did that but... he kissed me.

i was stunned. he smirked and looked at me..

"calm down okay? im asking about the door.. you heard something in there?" he asked..

i looked at him.. that's it? he just kissed me.. it's like.. a normal thing? so i can kiss him too whenever i want?

i pouts and tilt my head while looking at him..

i touched my lip.

"hey!" he snapped.. im out of my thoughts again..

"you saying?" i asked and cleared my throat.. he chuckled..

he is enjoying this..

"you heard something in there?" he asked again..


he nods.."yeah.. a lady's voice.."

i heaved a deep sigh.. then turned the knob to open the door..

i entered and look around..

"see? no one's in here.." i said..

he walks in .. but he act really strange.. his hugging himself like he's cold.

i walk towards him.. "you okay?" i asked..

he looked at me.. "who's room is this?" he asked in a serious tone.

"i don't know.. when i bought this house.. i never used it.. "

he pulled me outside the room.

he is freaking cold! "hey.. you okay? you are so cold.." i mumbled..

he nods "im.. f-fine.."

but i know he didn't..




"so he cant kiss you?" i asked..

he nods and pout.. "yeah.. or else i will die too"

"that's sad.. " junior murmured..

he smiled "hey it's fine.. maybe i was destined to be alone forever.."

"you will tell him right?" meng asked..

i looked at her.. "no.. why would i?"

"but he needs to know.. what if he kissed you again?" i exclaimed..

he looked at me.. "you know he is not the one who kissed me nana"

yeah. that time yoongi was not in his real estate some evil spirits posses his body to make jimin weak.

they know jiminssi weakness..

he cant kiss people.. unless it'r true love's kiss

i knew its real!! not just in movies.

how we knows all about it?




"uhmm.. he is jimin.." i introduced him to my mom..

she looked at him.. "he is.." she whispered..

jimin was still unconscious after that day.. i already called some doctors but they didnt know what causes him to sleep this long.

he doesn't have any diagnostics or there's nothing wrong about his health.

i saw her touched jimins forehead.. he closed his eyes..

"he was kissed by a demon" she murmured..

"a what?!" i shouted.. what the f?

she turns to me.. "what happened before he gets cold?" my mom asked..

i don't know.. but i felt weird.. "mom.. you know about those stuffs?" i asked..

she nods.. "yeah.. "

"so about the woman in my dream? who is she?" i asked..

she looked at me .. "i don't know either.." then she looked back at jimin..

"he needs to wake up.. " then she looked at the other side of the room..

"protect him till his awake" she said..

maybe she was talking to jimins friends (ghosts)




"sir.. here.." the assistant hand him the documents..

"thanks" he said then scanned the paper..

"Park Jimin.. 26, " he murmured..


"what are you cooking jiminssi?" nana asked..

he smiled "something special"

"ooohh it's for mr min?" she asked with a giggle..

jimin pouts "of course not! it's for me.. im hungry.. i slept for 5 days.. that's why"

"im sad.. i wish i can taste it.. " junior murmured..


while busy eating.. i looked at junior..

"why?" i asked.. he heaved a deep sigh..

"i only have 5 days jiminssi" he said sadly.. i frowned.. yeah i almost forgot..

"dont worry tomorrow.. we will start again okay?"

"you're awake?" i turned around..

i nod.. "yeah.. " then i smiled.. he walks closer to me and touched my forehead..

i just let him.. "you slept so long" he murmured..

i pouts "im sorry.. " i lowered my head.. "i thought you will be a helped.. i didnt know i was the one who will help you." he said in a serious tone..

i bit my lower lip.

he cleared his throat.. "can you asked your friends to leave us for a while?"

i looked at them.. "what for?" i asked..

"i just want us to talk privately.."

i nods and turns to them.. "okay okay we'll leave " nana said already..

i smiled to them "see you later" i whispered..


"yeah.. i heard.. " he pouts..

i told him that he was kissed by the demon..

"how that happened? and why you let him kissed you?" im just wondering..

me if i saw a demon i automatically runs. duh.

he looked at me meaningfully.. "you didn't know?" he asked.

i shook my head "no.. " that's why im asking

he heaved a deep sigh.. "uh.. never mind.." then he lowered his head..

i scanned him.. he noticed it.. "why are you looking at me like that?"

i tilt my head.. "you came from a wealthy family.. why you left?"

he was shocked.. "how did you know?" he said whispering

"i looked it up.." then i drank his juice.. he looked at it pouting

"that's my juice.." he said..

i laugh.. "that's mine.. its my house.. everything in here was mine"

he bit his bottom lip again.

"so?" i paused.. "why you leave?"

he stood up.. "uhm.. i don't want them to know that im a bit weird"

i stare at him and crossed my arms .. "weird? in what way? you.. seeing ghosts?"

he nods.. "yeah."

i went closer to him "yeah you are a bit weird.. "

"i know!.. don't rubbed it in my face.. "


"do you have plans on coming back?" he asked again..

i shook my head "no.. " i answered immediately.

"why? they are your family.. they will accept you no matter what"

i chuckled.. "not them.. they will not.. " i said in a bitter tone.

i looked at him .. he is now munching my food.

"hey.. that's mine" i said..

he just stared at me while slowly chewing it.. i just rolled my eyes..

i turned to face him when i remember something..

"we're leaving tomorrow" i said.. he stopped for a while

"why? your mission here is not yet done"

i pouts.. "but .. junior.. he only have 5 more days" i whispered..

"5 days? for?" he looked confused..

"i need to see his parents before he disappears.." i explained..

he just looked at me.. he didn't gave me an answer..


jimin was busy drying his head with a towel when he felt something strange.

"she's here.." he whispered then runs to yoongi's bed room..

his eyes widened when he saw yoongi floating and the lady was looking at him smiling.

he goes back to his room and took something in his bag..

"fast! he will kill mr min" nana shouted..

i threw the stone inside mr mins room.. she disappeared for now..


i saw how mr min fall from the top..

jiminsi runs immediately ..

"hey.. hey" he whispered to him while tapping his cheek lightly..

a moment after he woke up.. he looked at jimin and in a glimpse yoongi hugged jimin.

i watched his reaction.. he was shocked..

i rolled my eyes.. then disappeared.. im not a fan of this kind of drama.


"you okay now?" jimin asked a hundred times

"yeah. im fine.. " but i still answered.. i pout.. i don't know what really happened..

all i know was.. im sleeping already and having a bad dreams.

"here.. drink a lot" he ordered..

"why?" i asked.. he heaved a deep sigh.. "so you can have a good sleep"

i looked at him.. "here.. please?" he asked with his puppy eyes..

so i took the glass of water and drank it

i gave it to him.. i was about to wipe my lips, but he already did it for me.

i flinched because i didn't expect it.. "oh sorry" he said..

he stood up beside me and fixed my blanket.. "sleep now.."

im just staring at him.. "i wish that girl will disappeared forever"

he stopped and looked at me.. "im so sorry.. i cant.. all i can do for now is to protect you .. but i cant make her disappear all the way." he explained..

"i know.. that;s why.. you will stay here.. till she's gone"

"What?! .. "

i got up.. "why? we have a deal.."

he pouts. "i need to help my friends "

i rolled my eyes.. "ill help you" i offered.. he looked at me..

"you will?"

i nod "yeah.. but i need to secure our deal"

he frowned.. "secure?" he repeated..

"after we helped them.. you will stay with me.. till the lady ghost is gone.."

he bit his lip.. sexy. i shook my head.. what am i thinking?

but he nods and smiled "okay deal!" he stood up then he offered a hand shake..

i just stared at his hand.. " i don't want that" i said with a cold stare

he pouts "oh.. so what do you--" i didn't let him finished

i pulled him and pinned him in the bed..

i hovered on top of him.. "ya!"

i smirked.. "i want those lips" i whispered..

he looked at me confused.. "wait.. are you possessed again?"

i lift my left brow.. "huh?" what is he talking about?

"ow." he murmured.. i left on top of him..

he slowly gets up while still looking at me.. "what is it? i was possessed?" i asked again

i didn't know about it.


jimin bit his lips before answering yoongi..

he nods slowly.. "yeah.. the day i felt the cold.. " he explained

yoongi still confused.. "but my mom said the demon kissed you---" he stopped when he realized something..

"i-i was the one ? who kissed you that day?"

jimin just nods.. "ah sh*t." yoongi murmured.

"i didn't know.. im sorry"

"no.. it's okay.. you were possessed that time.. its not a big deal"

yoongi looked at him.. they're eyes met..

"but tonight im not possessed.." he said in a low tone..

"hmmm?" jimin didn't hear it clearly..

"i really wanna kiss you .. " he whispered while busy fidgeting his hands..

he heard jimin's laugh.. "what's funny?" he asked pouting..

jimin crawl on the bed towards yoongi who is sitting on the other side of the bed.

he faced yoongi..

"why you wanna kiss me? you like me?" he asked then looked at yoongi's lips..

yoongi smirked "in your dreams!" then he stood up..

"woooh.. mr. min.. dont fall in love with me.. im a freak.. and i will leave you soon.. i dont wanna break your heart" he said while smiling..



"really?! " i shouted

yoongi looked at me annoyed "don't shout!"

i purse my lips.. "sorry.. im just happy.."

the girl looked at me and smiled "come.. ill bring you to them"

we just followed her

"omg junior.. you can finally rest" meng said excitedly..

i just smiled.. i hope so.. the girl brought us to a small house..

there's a man there busy fixing some stuffs

"hey.. Mr.. Siao.. someone was looking for you" the girl called him

he walks toward us.

"what is it?" he asked..

he looked at me and yoongi..

i felt junior on my side.. he was waiting for this..

"uhm.. i just wanna know if you are the father of this child?" then i gave him the picture..

he was stunned.. and looked at me shocked.. "y-yeah.. my beloved son" he cried..

he hugged the picture and kneel down..

then a moment later a lady comes out of the house..

"hey.. what happened here? who are you?" she asked angrily while pulling the man up.

"xexe.. our baby.. " the man said and gave him the picture..

"what?.. "she looks at me.. "you found him? where is he? " she started to cry now..

i bit my bottom lip.. "im so sorry.. but" i felt junior squeeze my hand.. i was shocked..

he can touch me now.. i gulped.. is it a sign? that he will leave after this? that he can finally rest in peace?

"he..he is already dead.."

they we're both frowned.. "my baby... huhuhuhu" said by the lady.. her husband accompany him..

i heard yoongi cleared his throat.. i felt his hand touching mine..

he nods and smiled..

"uhm you know what happened to him?" i asked.

the lady wiped her tears.. "i was on a hospital because my husband need the operation.."

she sobbs "but..we didn't have enough money.. a woman approached me.. she said, she will shoulder all the expenses.. in one condition.. "

"if.. she can have calix.."

so that is his real name.. "im so sorry my baby.. "

her husband was trying to calm her down.. "we tried to find him.. because we want him back and we missed him so much.. but.."

"we got the news.. about the fire.. and the lady who got him was one of the victims.. " the father added

i nods.. now i get it..

i felt junior pulled my shirt .. i looked at him "tell them i miss them," he said smiling..

i cleared my throat.. and looked at them

"uhm.. junior said.. he really loves and misses you.."

they walk closer to me.. "you can see him?" they asked..

i nod slowly.. "y-yes.. only for now.. " they got confused..

"what?" the father asked..

"after seeing his family.. he will now go somewhere for good.. he can now rest in peace." i explained..

"huhuhu we love you to baby.. im so sorry... "

"tell them i forgave them already.."

i cried.. i wiped my tears .. "he said, that he forgives you already .. and he is happy now.." i said trying not to crack my voice because i was about to cry.


i pat jimin's back because he was about to cry..

even if i didn't understand it at all.. i felt so sad..

after the conversation..

jimin got in my car he is sad..

"you okay?" i asked.. he just nods not looking at me..

he put his seat-belt on.

i started to drive.

the day was almost done.. we looked from 3 different cities.. im tired.

while busy driving ..

jimin looked at the back.. "yeah im sad too.. i miss him.." he said pouting..

he is talking to his friends..

im getting used to it.. him talking unexpectedly.

i heaved a deep sigh.

we went straight to home.. i asked him if he is hungry.. he just said no.

he went straight to his room.. i looked at him throwing his body on the bed.

i entered his room..

"hey.. changed your clothes first"

"hmmm i cant im too tired today" he said..

i sat beside him.. and pulled him up..

"come on.. quick shower"

he pouts.. "later.. let me rest for a while"


yoongi was holding jimins hand

when suddenly jimin pulled him down..

now he is on top of jimin.. "why you did that" he asked annoyed..

they are now face to face

"i told you im tired!" he pouts

"yeah but you don't need to pull me.. "

jimin just closed his eyes..

yoongi stares at him for a while..

he leaned closer to jimins face..

he was about to kiss him when someone pushed him on the side.

jimin got up shocked..

"what the f?" he shouted..

"someone pushed me" while pulling himself up..

"yeah.. i felt it" then he looked around.. "you okay?" he asked concerned

yoongi just nods..


2 AM

i woke up because im thirsty..

i didn't know i fall asleep.. im still wearing my jeans..

so i decided to have a quick shower.

i was busing brushing my teeth when i saw someone on the mirror..

she is looking at me with mad eye..

"meng" i murmured..

her aura is not good.. i can feel it..

"don't fall for him!" she said..

"who?" i asked.. im still brushing my teeth.

"mr min. he is not good for you.. remember he almost killed you.."

i face her.. "it's not his fault.. he was possessed that time.. you know that"

i came out of the bathroom.. she was now sitting in my bed.

"and he cant kiss you.. you know it"

"why he cant?"

then he appeared on my side.. "because he has the devils kiss" she whispered..

i pout..

"and we both know.. your gift will only vanished if your true love kisses you.."

i looked at her.. "and?"

"well obviously.. he's not the one for you.."

"yeah i know.. "

"yeah you know.. but yet.. you still falling.."

"im not okay?" then i get on my bed..

"im just saying jiminshiii.. don't waste your last kiss to him it's not worth it"

i rolled my eyes and turned to the other side of the bed but she's already there.

she face to face me.. "we just down want something bad happen to you again"

i pouts.

a moment later jimin fall asleep..


i was about to touch jimin in his face when someone talks

"hey!" i turned to look

"what?" i ask unbothered

she snapped his fingers that's why i popped in his side


she looked at me.. "you cant fall for him" nana said

i smirked "im not.." then lowered my head

she chuckled . "pssh. yeah.. that's why you pushed mr min earlier when he was about to kiss jiminssi.."

i gulped..Oops

"i saw it meng.. don't interfere to them! "

"i just did that because he cant kiss him!" i exclaimed..

she shook her head. ."why? i know its not because of the devils kiss.. we both know it didn't work like that." she crossed his arm and lift her brow..

i pout. "i know... but he cant fall in love.. we need him"


"you don't want him to be happy too?" i ask her

she heaved a deep sigh.. "i want.. but.. "

"don't worry.. he promised that he will help us.. like junior.." i tap her

she looked at me.. "what if he got crazy over that man and got no time for us.." she murmured

i smirked.. "hey.. you know jimin.. he wont be like that.."

she looked at me.. " i don't know..'' then he sigh.



i just woke up and took a quick shower.. it's weekend i have no work today..

after i dry my hair i decided to went downstairs to cook breakfast..

i walk passed through jimins room.. i saw him there still sleeping..

i entered his room.. i smiled as i walked closer to him.

"cute" i whispered..

i sat beside him.. trying not to make any noise i don't wanna wake him up..

"you are still pouting while sleeping.." i whispered..

i caress his head.. "sleep more.. " i murmured.. "i know you are tired for some stuffs.. "

i fixed his blanket.. then i get up and look around..

"uhmm.. hi? jimins friends?" i know they are here..

i scratched my nape.. "uhhh.. please.. don't make him stressed all the time .."

i shook my head.. "oh my god am getting crazy" then i looked at jimin..

"you make me crazy" i repeat.. then left his room.


i woke up and i saw meng and nana staring at me...

"ya! you scared me.. dont do that" i said still sleepy

nana smiled at me.. and she appears in my side.. "hey sir min checked you earlier" she whispered

i lift my left brow "so?"

meng sigh "because he cares.. duh!"

nana giggled "i think he likes you.." then he poke my tummy..

"ya! .. he is only concerned because he needs me.. nothing more" i said sadly..

meng appears in front me. ugh! this ghost.. they keep on appearing anywhere they want.

"why? you don't like him?" she asked..

i cleared my throat .. i looked at them.. "hmmm.. no.. and even if i do.. he wont like me. im a freak.. "

"ya.. you're not a freak.." nana exclaimed..

i rolled my eyes "hey.. don't give me hope.. " i pout.. "i was born to be alone.." i added..


yoongi went upstairs to call jimin for breakfast..

he saw jimin talking to someone.. the usual..

he knocked three times .. jimin looked at him..

"hey.. breakfast?" he smiled and walk towards him

jimin smiled.. "you cooked? " he asked excitedly..

yoongi nods "yeah.. so get up already.."


yoongi keep glancing at jimin..

jimin noticed it.. he stopped eating and looked at yoongi

"ya! why you keep staring.."

"im not.. why would i stare at you? " he denied..

jimin nods.. "pssh.. i told you dont fall in love with me.." he said in a low tone

yoongi chuckled.. "why? not that i care.. but why? why i cant fall in love with you?" he asked.


I looked at him..

i smiled bitterly.. "im a freak.. i can see and talked to ghosts.. no one wants to be with me.. im weird.. " i said pouting

he leaned and crossed his arm while looking at me.. he sigh "yeah.. you are weird"

i bit my lip.. then nods..

he checked his time.. "eat fast.. we have things to do" he said

"huh? what is it?"

he stood up and leaned forward to me.. he wiped the side of my lips..

"we're going out.. its my day off.. i wanted to date you"

i almost choked. "ya! i just said that you cant fall for me"

he smirked.. "im not asking for your permission baby" then he winked

i pout.

"omg! i told you he likes you!" meng appears beside me..

"ihihihi.. he will date you omo.. im gonna die now.." nana exclaimed..

i looked at her "ya! you are already dead.. "

"hmmm?" yoongi murmured.. "oh.. you're friends are here?"

i nods..

"what are they saying?" he ask calmly..

"tell him that he is so hot and handsome" said nana while pulling my sleeves

"what?! im not saying that" i whispered..

yoongi just chuckled.. he stood up.. he was about to leave the dining when he turns and face me\

"oh.. i have something to say to them.. " he paused

im just waiting for what he was about to say..

even nana and meng is curious..

"please ask them to gave us time when we're alone.. especially in bedroom" then he smirked

"ya!" i shouted..

then he left..

nana giggled.. "hey! stop giggling.."



"ready?" i asked jimin when he get inside my car..

"seat belt" i murmured..

he sigh and put it on..

then i started to drive..

i heard him cleared his throat.. "uhm.. where are we going?" he asked..

" i told you.. we're going on a date" i said simply

he pouts.. "where?"

"hmmm.. you will know later.. when we arrived there" then i smiled..

i held his hand.. he flinched.. "why?" he asked nervously

i smirked.. "why are you so scared?" i asked smiling.. he pout .. he squeeze my hands..

"hmmm.. i don't know why" he said pouting..

"uhmm.. " i looked at my rear view mirror.. "are we alone?"

he nods.. "yeah.. they cant come if they don't know where to go" he explains.

"oh great.. " i whispered.. he chuckled..

" i really wanna have some time alone with you.. without your ghosts"

"see? i told you.. you cant date me.. because of that.." he is sad again

"hey.. they will be gone after we find their family right?"

he nods "yeah.. but.. still.. "

"still what?"

he heaved a deep sigh.. "that will not change the fact that im a freak" he looked at the window.

i didn't answer him.


"they're here" the man said to a lady..

she smiled..

she stood up as yoongi at jimin arrived..

"mom.." yoongi said and hug her..

jimin was just standing there.. he bowed when she looked at him.

"hello mam" he said..

"hello jimin.. " she greeted smiling.. he was shocked you know me?"

she nods.. "yeah.. i visited you when you are sick."

"oh." jimin murmured.

yoongi pulled him to sit beside him..

"she can see ghosts too" yoongi said


"oh.. really?"

she smiled at me "yeah.. i met your ghosts friends too"

i nods.. "wow.. " i was shocked..

yoongi held my hand.. she saw it.. i bit my lower lip.. im shy that is why i pulled my hand from him.

he pouts.

"hmm so? shall we eat?" her mom said..

i just nods and smiled.


"so.. about the girl in your dream? are you still dreaming about her?" his mom asked.

yoongi shook his head "no mom.. since jimin was always with me.. "

she looked at me "really? see? i told you, you need him"

he nods "yeah.. i wont let him go.. dont worry" he looked at me

i smiled a little..

why i have this feeling.. that.. i was just taken for granted?

i sigh..

maybe he likes me.. because he needs me.. not because he really wants to be with me.

"and about the devils kiss?" she snapped..

that's why i looked at her.. "hmmm?"

"you know the antidote right?" she smirked at me..

"oh.. there's an antidote? what is it?" yoongi asked..

i signaled his mom not to say anything about it..

luckily she gets it.. "oh.. nothing just forget it" then she started to eat..

yoongi looked at me "what is it?" he pouts.

"never mind.. it's not important" i said smiling

i heard him sigh.

after we eat.. his mom left immediately..


after my mom left.. i pulled jimin in his wrist but he let go.

i looked at him..


he just looked at me.. "you're mom.."

i lift my brows "what about her?" i walked closer to him..

"she's not your mom"

i stepped back "what?!"

jimin nods.. "yeah. earlier.. when she touched me. she is cold."

i pulled him in his arms.. "if she's not my mom.. where's my real mom?"

"i-i don't know.." i pushed him..

"you don't know?! ugh!" now im frustrated..

"sorry.. " he whispered..

i left him there.

i don't know.. i was angry.. not to him.. but to my self..

now im worried..


Jimin didn't go home..

he just went straight to the park and stayed there..

he can see ghosts there.. and there's a lot!

some trying to talk to him but jimin didn't want to entertain them..

then someone stopped in front of him..

he looked up..

"V?" he mumured.. then he saw grandma behind him

"grandma? what are you two doing here in the city?"

they sat beside him.. "we went to your house.. you're not there.. "

"yeah.. we stayed here in the city for a while now"

"you found junior family?" grandma asked..

jimin nods "yes.. " he said smiling..

"wow.. that's great.. what about the other three?" V asked..

jimin raised his brow.. "three? there is only two.." he corrected it

grandma looked at jimin..


"they are three jimin." i explained..

i held his hand.. when i touched him.. i can see something..

"she follows you.. "


"the lady.. in black.. "

i can hear his heartbeat.. "don't be scared. "

"why i cant see her?"

"because she is using someones body to interact to you."

he squeezed my hands.. "i bet.. i know who she is" he whispered

"who?" grandma asked..

"Mr min's mom.. i met her earlier.. and she touched me.. her presence was so cold."

i tighten my grip to jimins hand.. "don't go near her.. she wants you.." i whisper


"here.." said by the lady owner ..

V and grandma enter the house..

the lady looked at me "here.. my number.. call me if you have questions about the house.. but don't worry.. this house is safe. " she said smiling..

i nods "yes thanks.. " the she leaves.

V and grandma sat on the sofa.. i smiled..

"you can stay here.. don't worry ill pay your rent.. " i said to them

"thanks jimin.. " i cupped his cheek "your always welcome!"

grandma smiles while looking on us.

"uhm.. i'll go downstairs to buy some stuffs.. you want any? like food?" i ask grandma

she shook her head "oh no.. that is too much.. you gave us shelter this is enough."

i pout "its fine grandma.. you're like a family to me now.. "

"thank you.." she said smiling.


"where the hell is he?"

how will i know? he doesn't have a phone. i pout

its my fault i left him..

i just got home.. i sat on the sofa and sigh.

i looked around.. i bit my bottom lip..

"uhh hello? jimins friends?" i ask.. i hope they will listen..

"i lost jimin.. can you find him?"

i heaved a deep sigh.. "ugh. what am i doing?" i murmured.

then i saw the note beside the phone moving..

i look closer.. they write something..

"why you left him?!" i was shocked..

ooh.. they are mad..

i look around.. "im so sorry.. i was mad that time.. please help me find him,,"

then they write again.

"gave us something to touch so we can predict where he is, it should be one of his belongings."

"hmmm.. " i touched my chin.. "wait here.. ill go to his room" then i went upstairs

i look for something.. i saw jimins backpack..

i saw a book.. i got curious so i read it.. my eyes widened but i shook my head..

"no time for that" i murmured while busy looking for some other stuffs



"bye.. i will visit tomorrow.. " said jimin as he walk outside the apartment

grandma smiled "bye jiminshi and thank you" she said..

V just waved.. "take care.. your friends they're looking for you" he said smiling

jimin pouts "yeah.. i can feel it too.. "

"bye.. grandma" then he left.

"get rest V.. " grandma supported him from going inside..

"sit here.. ill fix your bed" she said..

"grandma.." V call her..

"yes grandson?"

"why you didnt tell him about the black lady?"

he heard his grandma sigh and sat beside him..

"i dont think it's time. " she said softly..

"but it's better if he knew.."

grandma pat V's back.. "we will tell him soon.. okay?"

V just nods.. "okay.."


while grandma busy in the bedroom.. someone ring the door.

i stood up and walk towards the door..

i leaned my ear at the door to listen on the other side..

i know he is a guy.. i can feel it.. he rang the bell again..

"who is this?" i asked..

"your neighbor" he said stiffly..

i pout.. then i slowly opened it..

"hello.." he greeted happily.. too bad i cant see him.. i bet he was smiling..

"h-hello" i greeted back.

"uhmm.. im your neighbor.. room 403 hehe.. im kookie"

i just nods.. "im V"



"my hand.. i wanna shake your hands.. " he said shyly..

i panicked.. and tried to feel his hand.. "oh.. hehe sorry.. " then i shook his hand..

"nice meeting you.."

"sorry.. i didnt know that your--" he stopped talking..

"it's okay.. " then i smiled..


"wow.. you have a boxy smile" i murmured..


"oh uhm i mean.. who are you with?" i asked while scratching my nape

i don't know why im so shy since he cant see me.

the i saw an old lady behind him..

she looked at me with an eagle eye..

"who are you?"

i smiled "hello grandma.. im kookie.. your neighbor"

she looked at me from head to toe..

"come on V .. you need to rest" he whispered..

i pout.

"uhmm if you need help on anything just knock on 40---" they didn't let me finish.. she just closed the door in front of my face.

so mean. i get back to my apartment..


"is he cute ?" V asked while grandma putting him to bed..

she smiled "he is.. he looks like a bunny.. your favorite animal.."

then she hand him his plushie bunny.

"sleep well.." she whispered..

v nods.. "you too grandma.. get rest okay?"

she nods.. "i will.. "


1 AM

"oh thank god!" i whispered when i got home.. i thought i wont be able to find this place. huhu.

my feet hurts.

i walk slowly and gently.. trying not to make any noise.

i was about to take a step when someone open the lights on the stairs.

i saw yoongi there.. standing at the other side of the stairs..

i looked up on him.. i pout..

i bet he is still mad..

i continued to step up.. i walk pass through him.. but he pulled me.

"where have you been? i've been looking for you!" he said angrily

"uhm.. walk on the park?" i said unsure..

he chuckled.. "with who?" he crossed his arms..

i shook my head.. "no one.. i walk alone"

"he is mad" meng whispered.. i pout

"yeah. he's getting crazy earlier.. he don't know what to do" nana added

"oh shut up!" i shouted..

yoongi was shocked. "what?! you want me to shut up?"

" not you.. these two" the i looked at my side

he rolled his eyes.. "ugh.. tell them to go.. leave us alone" he ordered

"bossy!" meng murmured

nana just laugh "he really wants you for himself.. hihihi"

then meng touched nana "come on.. don't disturb them" then disappear


My, BOO! (YoonMin Story) [PART 1/2] - RhanzAlwaysWrites - 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys (2024)


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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.