The Tell City News from Tell City, Indiana (2024)

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The Tell City Newsi

Tell City, Indiana

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AGt Eight ikiu jUlMUvaVU UiC RIMb himpw Qr th? wtwk Mrs Elizabeth Damm' of Cannelton KnapP Mrs Booth VA fr Tfl lAr md Mr ISE3ZS3EZ CANNELTON INDIANA we wouldn't give a wKqopL Admission 10 25c 617 Mozart St weaves in town 1025e $hm 'Oititie Phone 170 Tell City Ind The Exclusive Men and Store jBSEISSBSnsSESSSg WM'hfliWE Henry Hem Hein tew 1LM a bride of this week Mrs Earl De ville was co hostess Beano war play ed At the conclusion of the eveninc a luncheon was served A color scheme of pink and white was" carried out In the decorations and luncheon Goffinet will entertain the club at Camp Tenn On Tuesdav afm rmon nmo bridge given at the count vnh fl rjiL is viminsr nis sisie Mrs Harry Martin and his brothers Dr Oscar XVilham and Harry Walk in Pittsburg i Ptarl isher of Tnd visit ed friends Tro the first bf this week I letLfor a trim in the South Mrs Tremper is the daughter A il a nd Mrs Sherman Eigf 'Jand Admission l0 15c LTTUHUkl LUVA 01HV Je ph ehnrrh Evansville Td 1 A rt A rtlG VulLUH ClinilUUiI 4H Aiisr Lmcne Gjesser ami Aitwit Mueller sister and brother ot the bridal couple were attendants The bride wore white satin trimmed in lace and TUESDAY ONLY JU 5TH 11 'r XT rT i rt'irT1 Ttt Ae''I I 'w GARY COOPER and JEAN ARTHUR in PLAINSM AN" Mr and Mrs A Gusscll erdin i and were the guests of Mr John oerster Sunday Mrs Everett George and Miss Louise! 2' spent Wednesday in Ev i uatt pud art at inc suininri scuuuj at Eikhait Lake tr tHtrt Tavaas nf the members of their whist club Monday evening at their home iii Tenth street A luncheon was served' at the conclusion of the eve ning 1 Mun If I 111 snvae ana ahs ui uigg and her father Cassidy' Mrs Harry Nunr 1 rtanohtr 'RaihfiTA find MTS Richardson were in Evansville Wed day it had swollen considerably nesdav afternoon boy who did tills stealing has i Victor Walk is visiting his sistei not been apprehended but if he has any conscience it mart suieiy bothering him for he is certainly causing the man from whom he1 stole no end of truble The News extends wishes for speedy and com plete recovery The News is in receipt of a letter from Miss' Helen Bauer of Evansville stating that she 'irtspending the 1 Bier months in Michigan and o'der 1 Ing her paper chariged to an address i at enton4 Michigan had a good tune These two neigh bors celebrate theiii birthdays to gether annually hot but that newA news is the fact that hundreds of our customers? give a whoop! wearing Palm Beach till set fer nnunefTThe coolest clothes a than can put on his back i and the best looking Palm mem 1 ing pouiL of miesl in the i( om tainsaiois'jid Chatianukut uad rLii: where in the Soiith Mi and Mis Crury Alien and her 'ob to Chicago alterp mdimr the wek end with Mr' mother Mrs Pfister iil oftivr relath es 7 Hermit Wi'L oi Chicago return ed to hit home Tue day after hawnsprtU two da vs in the city visiting re la'ives Mis Matt Roehm and daughter Mr and Mrs A Spencer or Birming Alabama will arrhe yds week for a visit with Mrs Roehms fatherJohn Scull and other relatives Henry Spath of rural route two was a business wisltor in the city Wednes day Charles Goffinet of Leopold call ed at" the News office Thursday and inserted an ad for a bam that he has for trade Mn and Mrs Daum of Shel byville Indiana werein the city Sun Hay visiting leiatiies Mr Daum Jook ed us while here and handed us fils subscription to the News for Coming year Thanks Walter John Pontrich of Rome was hr the city Monday Charles Davis of Bloomington Indiana Is spending oral dats fr Tell Citv her parents Dr "and Mrs William Hargis Joe Sandage of Anderson township was in town Monday afternoon Mr alicl Mrs Union1 Webb of Mrs William Logsdon entertained the members of the 500 club on Tues day evening Mrs Herb Snyder Mrs Ida Brenner and MrS Mayme Ziegel gruber wer? the winners of the prizes John Schurtter will be the next hostess On Monday (evening Mrs Winchell was hostess to the bers of her three table bridge club Mrs Everett George Mrs i Scher? ens and Mrs Dieyling were the prize winners Mrs Alfred Goffinet will entertain the club next cnpwi nf rrrnm rnsrs 1 Immediate! folloiH' the cere 1 ruony a wedding breakfast was served at home of Mr and Mrs Hem for members of the unmediate faini lies 1 Mrs Hein Is a graduate of the Tell City high school and for the past four years has been as ofii'e attendant and bookkeeper at Parkview hospital Mr Hein attended Tell Citv i high school and tor the past six years and for the past Tourteen years has been a teacher in the Tell City schools She is a graduate of Indiana State mU HdlAz in At 'T'zsvt Uvtirr 1 VblVlXLX VrVMvMC 1M VAA Mr Tremper is the son oi Mr ana Mrs William Tremper of Grandview! and is in restaurant business They will reside in Grandview i western empire Musical and Cartccn ANp 16 17 7 AUtiriee Thursday! :15 1 iladelcine UaTTpli Tyrone Power reddie Bartholomew 7 Big historical production that has been a source of joy everywhere itnassnGwn Comedy and Sportsreel the memlwrs of wvdng dub Wed streiit Mrs Pelc Schaefer cniertained the I irmlw of her three table uchrc carried calla Hies Loren? Gaes at her home in Eleventh street serwbre path ciepe with hat to rwnw match ana earned oouquet or puis A wertdiho' dinner was servi'd 1 Prices ttnniror IX 'V rftl XN T41? Vi 'l tTbKI'M i lxf Watniu Latch end i lias cormn'nci work on a fone rebirj ftnihgalow intend tc Tormr Adam of Tobmsport called firne Thu sdaj and uiberted'df nnf jlu'h ts hes for sale Wm oerster RR2 ca'led at th? ew 011 TharsJay and inerted an rm i' he to ell Ir Ktinard of de 'ad'd at! I INI OIL Ve retei'pd tinloil donations this week frpni Roraima Tviard and Mrs' i Moseby 1 imes most kindly for your thoujlufulness to be back on the job about the 'first of next month Mr 'and Mrs John' Seim returned home Sunday after spending a week in Indianapolis visiting their son and daughter Their daughter Mrs Ros elli Peterson and George Barbour of Indianapolis accompanied them to Tell City returning Sunday evening Thomas Graves who is Notre Dame University returned home last week to spend the summer vaca tion with his parents Mr and Mrs Miss Jean Stickney Russel Meyer i Indianapolis and Huber Gilhatt Vin cennes were the guests of Miss Mil dred Schurtter last Sunday Kenneth Roehm tend Miss Betty Kelleher oL Indianapolis were the wek end guests of Mr Roehm par ents Mr and Mrs James Roehm and family Mr and Mrs 1 James Douthitt of Hawesville spent Sunday in Tell City MA and Mrs William Hiatt and sop sUnt Turdriay in JDwcoatoro SUNDAY AND MONDAY JUNE 13 14 "latiiieeSonday 2 :00 31 Ei A RD ROBINSON in INTHECITY ri 1 La ft 0 A 1 Pathe Newsreel and Cartoon THEcTELt UlTYi NEWS RU)4Y JUNE 'xiik Hn frnnr Of the Undcman hofne bn ranklin strpet other window Before they got I into rooms in the Schutzius building movrdrto The place where they plann Miss4 on Mam street ed to set it the glass broke in thousands nnn Mciiaunv is snenuinK inc wvkj amikc uxcuc ivu uu i I C1 4Xl AL fr A 44 lz 4 1 a I a Bender and Mr and Mrs I with Mr and Mrs red Burch foot nearly sewing the third Uavies county unuiuua tut vv Mi Richardson of Memphis on the hand As a result John ii Tenn is visiting her sisters Mrs Harrv walking with crutches and isn't able Leine nbacn to get around very well Henry uasn wasnot hurt Due to John inability 1 a 1 Al I 1 snvrtw nnn lo nanuK ui iif ivu va Mrs George Letnenbach and Thursday morning and injured Jus i toot further so that at noon inurs AIR CONDITIONED RIDAY AND SATURDAY JUNE 11 12 Matinee Saturday 2 :00 31 BILL BOYD in ALONG CASSIDY A lightning action "Western picture of aMne man army who fought a six gun town? Three Stooges Comedy and Chapter 2 Express Admission 10 15c rd Scliulu wal to TTDOV 11 Uk: ii'JiPisJplHierbrlif'gr ch UP I £Vvl I Lit 10 Ed' usifflTiW tan M1 oerster Special Attention and Treatment given Diseases 1 of the Rectum Loilivdle attended funeral services tot Mr Si" Mrs a i Tea EngeiorBcnt neraiAash 'fttu rs7 Victor Tabelman and parents fnnilv have iviurm from 1 vp I Jndiaa vaoafinn Th mml op vuk vst Mr and Mrs Ed Schultz and Mr' I LlAAAAC LI AAACJAAAUCA IAAC1A aria Airs veorgc He pent bunay uble Jaas clue "at their 12th street CT rt 1 1 1 ryr4 ft i ilia T11 naxax Jar ft0ne Jjundjy night Mis Emison returned lastu MJ and Mt iett fr EwuraVille Visile i'uf hi nimr voS ot the News joral millions of dollars A fan of to be 'until iiirther sort is to be staged bn this JSlclllU UUI 11AUAAU MAAVAVjr vpLVW erdinand visited relatives In 'TW Sunday aficriioOT 'Mi's Kate Gavcy has returned Oakland City where she attended the 1 V' Mr Schuinthfe tombstone man from i was Ttoy Wednesday ML Scbtbti that hp i'ljl dele lor Mre Sam Scott Il CPy Wf1 la 1 Wed" uiA affcitioon in me MdhodlM Chiurh dj TrmTiy Tt WTiilerey rf Tell City iil lai Ini thw Troy' Toby i'himttrturt some joo no lor hihn PviKUWii of Lamar on the cr Agent Ed Poehlein and various Standaid Oil Service stations in thic city Both are popular of the younger set here: The News join their many friends in extend jng congratulations and best wishes ollowing the breakfist Mr and Mrs Hein left for a motor trip to Northern Indiana points Upon theit return they will be at home to their frt Is at their newly pu chased home on North Mam street Donald the Htpe son of Mr and and Mrs Vet ne Perry' celebrated' his cercfifth hirthrlav otinivprarv Tnucdar Hi evening with a dinner at Swiss Inn his parents little Mis: Miss Tilhe Buettner of spend ihe and Mrs Bomar Traylor of Jasper Here gut sts of Mrs Lula Purdue here Yhusday Mr and EhtI II DeVTUe and Ms Louis and son Ralph spent Sunday Imisville Mrst D'lt acting for curt were von Wfiham eJ Gihe Jr Mrs rn to VTl ffaTi AioiWw con tmNrf'ra ioie uLd at Warded Mm Eugene mr mtiirirh mvl vor! liiuhsteuier I hatfcl morage blanks 7 M'7 Ids Huhrri Hilda in 011 rcturneu from Dawjon Spin Kent icky th 1 first of th' week Baldwin had been confined in th hospital at OutwoocL Kentucky fo weeks a i Airs Vlauujnu LzUlUVUCJ AILSS a i Coldewey Mrs Schreiber and I Mrs Guv McBride of Oklahoma Citv Oklahoma spent Wednesday in Louis '1 vill? Kentucky Mrs Clyde Walters and daughte Ethlynn AAnn will leave this week end for Dayton Ohio for a visit with her sisterand family 1 Mr and Mrs Cat! Hess of Jasner 1 spent luesaay in neii ciiy visiwng and Mrs Walter Kleeman an ATTEND1 RC11HVP? frmis from out oL atubdlng 'funeml rjices nfluu rTrrp 1 i til jb Aa rrrn n' 'i JuTw WMr smtiMrsj a Hnny A1" MISS ftlMe UltfiLnU KiPI SW! (kHlfiH tn kUiri uir 1 A 4 I lilH IHj 1 4 0" H1W1 PHI A IL i a Git vM Vns Wiaugfvnxi tuiP ann John 'Swat son 7ul tU' js for when on Wwiiyl "he whif" rnv Sul Htz Me 'amiMntj uu viuw kltivcs and mm in DiviVs nnnlv Mr ami Ml wauvr pm myv uwu mflmnY i LhoikU xv 4 tt aa iv! iux ftmp ri'iirr inn xir wn tpf u4iw! I iMra unit un i hjemo Lne uuuu pqthrn Mr hfL MrsbCOtl vbKca Mauves Clt ts 1 HntWbner Mrs dukj ritvAi 'iVlj ft 4 Gfirbpr Mrs Charles Werner Jr Mrs! ment fn the Dwight Illinois hospital i Grant Bragg au oi Boinsvuit rs a Cftuhnc 1 mm 1J I VtI 4AA 3 AA1414V JOHN SNYDER INJURED AS BROKEN G(xSS IS REMOVED ROM STORE Last week a News story told of the breaking by a thief of a large plate glass window in the front of a wrist watch and the return or tne watch etc Now it seems there is no end bf ill fortune connected with this theft for John He had had no in surance on the glass and order to hold down the expense hd had plann ed to turn the window around and patch a piece on the left top com 1 er to take the place of the piece that had been broken out Henry Cash glass cutter of the Tell City Planing Kfill was doing the work He had the giass loose and John was aldir" him in takmg I ECLERE HEIN marriage of Miss Mildred tf and' iaVUgHV14 VI LcClere of Celina to GdowA to Evansville Tuesday son ot Mr and Mrs CharW Mrs Joe Niemczyk and son Joe ir of Tell Citv took nlase Thors TeU City were in Troy Bunday Tztrtftta TtoumAb Hnnohtpe' nf Mr tw in th Miss Mrs "Nic 'Beuiriel Jr as aiciidJ oiinvy rrhwhg ather MtwwmloMrmg' dinner they attend Vniimer officiating The couple was 1 pH Hia mnviAC at the i ftfwuXTrtiw and Mrs Eddy ati lipiu and thn cousin i Mr and Mrs Clinton Bouille cn i tertained the members of their two Earl DeVille I Thu anncv hliiftnaf rfTftt i dress with white ftecessones fiov" "imrsdav after "xmdmg several dvsi phiUp Werner and W11Uam Lelfitner jeehbrated their birthday anmv ersanes 4 wore grfn chiffon both woie cor 1 night with a party at crfani roeI6 tne nome of Mr werner According turn Sunday from Lafivette to spend 'Ulforrnatlon neh us bx Bill the hn ch mmcr vi pat inn with fl'imr mr iiu Mr and Mrs Andrew Graves Ralph "Zocrrher law student at In 1'diana University' returned last week! itunnirr vuuuuuu in acui City with his parents Mr and Mrs Chris Zoercher Mr and Mrs Sheldon and son Bob ano Mrs Laura Kemp spent Wednesday Evansville red DuPont mstrtictor at Gibson lister Mrs John Kapplere buig Ohio ishere: visiting his broth iLuitru nuuir uicni lo week isiting friends and relatives Mrs Earl DeVille and 1 Louis Kleeman Jr spen last Wed 7 nesdav in Evansville ri 1 Maurice Backer and Robert Linnn of Tro were to see us TQediv and:) bought a number of wrapping paper items Behno eldpauscn of Troy gave iw a little ad while man Tuesdiy Benno Is ra'ling artent! to a chitK disease ih i at this tim He will pie you straight dope ot chick dr' ase' Albert Gl ut cf Qatchel was in the city Tuesday Lake Elder of Dexter was in town Tuesday afternoon Mr and Otto Kampscnanier andlr and Mrs Verne ery and Son Dorad wee? in Evansville Sundav visiting Mr and Mrs Robert Reiman and Mr and Mrs Otto Kampsghaeftr Jr a nd family They' aso visited Mas ker Zoo whde Evansyule Mrs red Purdue and Mr and Mrs Max Stratton of Evansville wete the oi Lula Purdue Wednes day Miss Mary Lee Coultas returned last Thursday from Stephens College Col umbia Mo to spend summer vaca tion with her patents Dr and Mrs pi coultas nouhee the birth of a baby girl born last Sunday June 6 Sylvester Highman left Monday to attend Oaklahd City college Lester Highman of Rockport spent the week end with homefolks Mrs daughter Mar jorie of Sheridan Wyoming arrived Thursday of this wetk for a visit with: Mrs Rugg" father Adolph Graves gnCLolher relatives 7 Roy itessf senior student of In diana University has been SDending thdTst 'Week "HeiviilTf eturn Mop day accompanied by his parents and 1 Miss Peggy Kreisie for the grajdua" tion exercises at Indiana UqUierMty he twin be a 1 member the jkrhdiia 7 t'Mrs Cjleri Traw ajid riaii ghtcr Shanon left Tast TTiday fora! visit vrith Mr parents "Qkla homa Lloyd Engelbrecht returned Monday lagstaff Arizona where he has been attending school he will spend summer vacatipa irittl! Ws parcnts and Mrs' Edward Engelbrecht Alphonse Schaerer of Hayward! California is here visiting his mother Mrs Salome Schaerer and brother) Charles Schaerer and family 1 eon tor Harry Lhulauer mid Rmc1 Groves left lor the West John Hillam hftsi di lends In Ev ansville Sundae Mr and Mrs Leonard Lasiior of Vnvrimrs visited Jiiemis in 'rrey ouiiuuj nivmg orount AAU rT A miscellaneous shower was given last riday evening by Mrs Charles Hein at her home In North Ninth street uii honor of Mrs George Hein" Mr and Erwin Kreisle enter Miss Tffikla C5nny of Cannelton 111 1 1 entertainca iRfrnecn ut ui At a miscellaneous shower giv en at the Sunlight Hotel last wea evening' in honor of Miss: Mil dred Damm whose marriage to Chris Tremper of Grandview took place Monday' June 7 Prizes were award ed the winners at each table after wards a luncheon was served Mr aHd ana ehndrrr tins vce" for a U5ILE12Li ETgcs Mr and Mrs 1 I Tfe town tiusteeir lield their regtn in lYov'uitli meeting Monday ivtnmg nw a Art rfnfRMh hmHHcr hmnoht at the ho S'the other WrtT Mrs will live at Maryland I "i to ly home itf Troy for the 2 TTHS Bh (A zw i Uvlrt A At I IK IIIM'U III 14 A 1 CjIi illlft UiU JJXtLHMAn Mk rriivi Celdewev Mrs Os 1 ijuny fl i 4 5 VAX Vr I 4 OJJDI i CUr Birclder McBri" en hmchpoh tenni ih mnunnaip oti sussi Muurvc4u34npt to Chris' Tremper of i Grandview tpok place Monday tG nivrn eaualit the hiMi 4itf Titrt4j ft uv I 7 fa their IXotfte in dnCihiiM 1 hiifctftah eimnltkln fit elite" Otuo af' rt eeaX visit with hep Ll'WK Vs I 1 I HenrU ifti rt wo TyMrrh 3 nj l' iiv ii A 1 nva: vuthHl crinucu i i rr nun irwiv ii uimanur nui ml a ihw pi bevuMH tu ub IW 11M1 iiM his mother Mis Thea uu fium bulldinss ntiat Lincoln a lnl lelMhesJh llut week I 4 ml zl i VwvS Wmianwni of llurdiaL Is fl CniwAr7 UH 4V thi 1 IU wM4 ta Trt ninrilK Vf Ani'd nmtlri rtH UHHW i' will Sunday for JndiiiiuiiwlU Lu A 4t mfhn'f' ivl Hermit IS MNnl kn tn wv4t4 Tup Mniohtd was uidiitd to iepalr Severn 1 places ip tbe stiecls betorer'lho oiling is dohe I Mr tmd Mrs Lawrence Gasser of 1 1 1 rt Pitdiun HlW'ri f''X IT I yr LLLLER CiAESSLU i the members of three ruble Mon The marlage Mi Mur'Aie' niutnem bridge club Mrs lcr claught" of Mr and Mis Cuviiiy Mrs Henin mid ri smna a two weeks vara Muelle Jr 5U Juwii "reev Mn A plutiws iuw fri" Evansville IndJAiU to AIoyMus Ch fter tion isuno etitive and' Mis loyd Jones oriJasper kA 1 i uutt August Dauby An Indiana toe place Mav DiUtjirt A tar manias ihuuwmwu lftr etrnrefirTNamvUle Hat the memtwis iw wwim and ieneu I hfe '11 JpnnTngger and Vjilcent Gntnnoir olffciM rh? for anowr iva Mr ditvIilk boent lasL 1 i and Mis WL Mann andM Lamar attend ed Pie Engelbrecht funeral heie ri day Mrs aerrterr ux Glarift'Clmt icier left idr Edihsit Lake Xvi cntin Viter a i n4 Mr Mrs Jamas Gaynor and grandson schnetrjeJ giiC will teach hupdy tiIhm rmnalt itui niwiuaj a i tTT nrrcrivus uuuu umuhvl' tuxu Tf) i Mrs Drcvlmg spent lastf 4nt in Hv they" at 'tend dTLe giiiduntion exercises of I nsvslle College their daughter Miss iiid" was a member of the class miiUn Snrtiikle and Mrs Alk Mr And Mrs Schergens left fred Lashtn of Celina visited with us ndav fgr Columbus Ohio and riday afternoon alfd made a littl? thicago Mr Schm gens will attend 'inspection of our plant We are glad the Vandercook School of Music this to ha fe those who are s0 muchmter) yammer 'esled In our welfare and the equip I Mrs jOhn Higley oil Wayiie re ment we haveko show turned Tuesday after visiting' Alex: Roee" Indianapolis "tives ip T61I City' spending the week with his sisters and Schreiber jetfiined WfcdiiPfi at the sains Is painting dav Lafayette he was aqcom House And olhtwie miprounT jlls gon Robert "lid 'is a I Student at' Purdue Vlnmlty DenKQfiPtrr 61 Siberia was' in? Ybrk fro" Xi" oritbe a clty Monday mdrpiTig fc Coast Mr amt Mn EaU 'hioyir rjMjsi prner Thrives num rufltTfr ix isnij tr ix i 'rr1 'WIV' iXlmW 'If I vmnra(etnw: rm nii? unlJj 3 tnto 1 tHrtHTd1rttVlkWSllSruwaiVUhV IAV 1k AH rftt pvrtliuC fPI grating yn thg Sacra pixtK rtfis Damm and Mf TII i 4 1 1 11 A flitl Ifi 1143 45 VVIr 11 zl ill VS MV MJ4 4 4VIJ4 HiW Ml UVJ 1X4 1 1 4 nr xvxr AU rJ tn an andn warn wute accessourb un nruiam A i 2 i li fAl lnhdwn1' Ha nintTM'nnnv rZNiirvLi an rTancwo uay av A 1 jh a 4 wX 1 4 MV I fl fl rfl fl fl fl Ifl rf i 1 'XiAJd Lvi tMdiniiwMi ttX ut 'iiie Mr ana Mrs and daughters Dorothy and Mrs ruday cille Bqll Mr and Burt Peter iCkpr Is treat ml ana Mrs muwu Miss Mary' Burke is visiting rela ond Mrs John Walt Miss lora and tives mi Chicago Ill this week Ed Gioetzmger Mr and Mrs Herbert rank Baertich made a business trip 1 Baur Miss Sophia Baur and Mrs to St Lairts Mo this week He was McaiJand all of Owensboo Ky accompanied by Miss Rosa Richard who visited her sisters Mrs Allen1 Brewster and Mrs Andys Lindauer Miss Betty Ruth Burch of near I Washington Ind is visiting Miss I lizaoeth McGauhy ta Troy this week Miss Mildred Sandage attended Sun rtnv ftrhnnl of Tilv Hhil rlvJ of Christ Sundavkmi jWttS aceom 4 Jewclry Store here and thg theft of 'fl flr ztlfl rt JVflA I IWfl ff rhil pamea norne dv nerj meaner xmts jw Sandage and cfaughier Mabel spend ing the afternoon hi Troy Miss Mildred and the Hallam family Mrs Olive Schnell of erdinand visited friends in Troy Sunday Mr Schnell gave us an order for the News for the coming year Dewey Stinson made a business trip to Indianapolis this week I Math Gayer took a bunch of cattle I 1 '(Z 7) w) 3 "Vi aj 7 I AJ" V'' A I a I I i I I II 'S A I I Ss vnr "fZyr EE buMdlnnof" Mia Theatre $1675 1.

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The Tell City News from Tell City, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.