The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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23 WESTIELD NEWS NORTHAMPTON CHURCH BRIDE WINDSOR LOCKS BRIDE GRANVILLE BLAME CIGARET Orchid Award OR RR COACH 56 PUPILS GET or Kittridge BELLOWS BLAZE TOP RANKINGS New 1 larry Kent ound Dead by Visitor a nd end Itelkinl (Pluto by Belkin) AIRS PETER 1)1 HIAMO ho eb j( Root town clerk Alaskan Wanderer ran a the I January 31 another car on the right and 10 by for 'oiiiMir for formed office 'iasne The boa rd Plunkett Robert OREST IRE WARDENS or pi him um8 to POSTMASTER COONEY ELLINGTON Those 1 11 ft Ilin It ft 1 I II tv) A I IV on the RED route while the 0 10 htM Catherine Waitlt NEW AL COMMANDER Arabs Raid David a ca 11 as at lie has always been to a La in Games and Puzzles BLANDORD Chief Thma 1 Wtenn fire is the third of i's 8 Pro SMITH 28 Mrs I nn will Jane Da vid Veronica Ronald and South Longyard Congregational Church At tmn Ang' lr is ler hex ears with an Di tllt of domestic as hearing Be meet Mrs plane hey this city Stephen cine and Rarhira Tih rio A ationil Hume A Rosemary Gendron Scots Jonic Roh They 18 hours and his son became fa Deegan nlier Ginsburg in a series of bitter Palestine Arab raid Palestine Aarb raid Senool class started to make Mary Storozuk joined Cecelia and Miss Cherrelyn St SAMPSON CHAIRMAN WASHINGTON BALL two forest to this area No decision where the bill of $5000000 in the state Ento mologist AA" A Ituffn said an aver age rat destroys around $2 worth of food stuff a year Patricia Rosalie Rohmann Adapts Bucala Main and many the meeting of in Chesterfield brief business and Kowal fi re dump off afternoon caused to a Janniss John Moltenbrey substitute is transportinc the mail in July relative to farm The testimony covered the high disposition and al were: Grade the Circle Eight Club ears and Miss Ann Hopkins amt in structor Raymond will head the dem onstrators were Ger and a OES She anette Smith at home red Clapp of this city AA imam five tables were in play att party sponsored bj the nwav Emil Anderson Emeison Sa un Mary Stone was prize and Games crossword puzzles and other forms of amusem*nt which can bo used by bed ridden and wheelchair patients are wanted for the City Infirmary on State St Mrs Bertha Reed pt 777 Boston Rd whose telephone is 9 0825 today requested persons to search their cellars and attics for these articles By telephoning her arrangements will he made to pick up the material and dis tribute it at the Infirmary as a lone prospector rich If was during Are Accorded Maximum Honors At Chestnut St Junior High School Chief AVrenn added that hu vvis under the impression that the ma terial making up the bellows is up Mrs Bertha Braman and Margin Is 54 to 36 On Honor Roll Released Today by Principal Bunidge side of the labor Mis Wil liaty Barton overseer of Worthing ron Grange win show how hiwtixgtox iiniEs Three contests for town offices tn he fnird at the annual election Alon alb PLAN IS OERED TO WIDEN STREETS bellows is located at the car ami shuts out air when linked CLOSE TOGETHER AVithin 18 Sweeney A Sweenev babies born at Lynn Hos Accotdinz to Reniers At least anoer Injuied in lhe hloddv noting in eluding many womn casual belie I to be are Snow Removal Activities Bring Appreciative Reaction in summer shovels and doe many other home His health is be io In ka I be obtained at the The Tolive Commission failed to name its fourth policewoman at a meeting of the hoard last night though an appointment had been ex pected Chairman Edward Greene said an appointment cannot be made until the department budget for 1918 is til proved and passed Candidates for the post who passed a Civil Service examination levently were luter Calestine roast Arabs made an successful pre dawn attack on freight trains lo another passenger VV BILL Rl XS HIGH Annum a ia I lllll A 1 Ilf A say that rats run up a yearly feed Agnes ElnaAian All former servicewomen and mem berfc of the Nurses corps in al branches of the service are eligible to join the post and have been in vited to attend the meeting The Eazls auxiliary met last and preliminary plans for the initiation to be held March 7 eenfield Jan John ield rf Northfield was on trial in Ds Court today on charges nken driving and leaving an accident following an incident the 1 7 1 li in th? rear of the Bernard I scan Inn AVAL IE HR IM Northampton Jan 28 AValter Bra iman infant son of Walter and Esther lavall e) Braman died this morn ing in Cooley Dickinson Hospital Be sides his parents he leaves his grand parents Col and Mr Leon Iavallee all of this city BuriSl this morning was in St Mary Cemetery WAREHOUSE POINT AVAREHorsE BRIES Point Conn Jan 28 In a three minute overtime period tiie AVarehotise Point School team lost a game to (he School Tuesdav 27 25 This is the second me ling of I defeat for the year for the Warehouse Tn ramp Ihpv I were defeated by the County Home team 2 1 16 In a game in 'Broad the pltix in East AVilbraham formerly (known as the Morgan (dace 'He has sifice made his home theie He mows his large lawn paths in winter I tasks about his unusually good I Until recently i active in the church to hich he lie longed and is at present a member o' Grace Union Church in North AViJ broham or many years he was a member of the chinch choir singing bass' or 31 years he has been president of the Towne Edson Association which has a meeting annually in Bel chertown Mr Kelley has iwo sons a daugh ter four grandchildren and eight great grandchildren Amherst for will attend I night A will be in charge of the fifth master Oliver Dustin of This will be fol ircmen from the Si head quarters station wore called out a 72t) this morning when fire broke out In the so ailed canvas bellows of a Now Haven Railroad passenger car The fire was lonltoled easily damage as The of the it is coach Acting said that the kind experienced in tin New yard in rceeiA weeks xpi the belief that it was aus by a clgaret thrown from the Memorial Haven Loss Small Here ire 3d of Its Kind Recently Bailargeon a on AValter grandson ail of Westfield Mr czyk has been employed by Smith Co for 18 years Ann Dolan Mason Bar teimi Ma I ne i mills and Helen Poplow sk Grade Eight Katherine Spanos AA'nl Sullivan Joyct Burstetn Gloria Colitti Esther ALtrion Loretta Mole Geraldine Newman Shliloy 0 Connell Constance Taylor Richard Scrafino Natalie Tub bAnn AA'ilson Ethol Gail Crowley Elizabeth Soule 'ied Jirisenii Janies Samp on Marie AA art iner Patricia Lu tit Jordan Uopo land Gloria A lb grezza Marilyn Brock Rutn Cohen CaioJvn Elliot Stu this but kept all accounts in a home of 10 each were levied on Pullen of i 1 1 ii HniUlIK und lames Cooper unopposed: thrift constables nrkinr ftUrtinn nn am Jnu nr Harold TTazPltn an 3 tlamtrl CtiHiimn tree warden for one jear lamps Kirby incumbent unopposed library trustee for three years Theodore Brown incumbent unopposed School Committee to fill the unexpired term of une year Robert Gibbs and Mrs Alice Moquin At Arliliu Alillrt anti Mies Anno udiHt'A vi riraMiu eo win leave tor Miami la riday for a vacation of three weeks George mail carrier 200b high nine ton Qti in lisk Ragland Spanns Carla Spiimzlm Jean Sta'his and Jean more than schools and Nee iHss Jane Ba il ii qua of I5 Oak St Windsor Lucks Cutin Allgejo injve Bryant Bait'aiv Pin lb li ne irrK Dorothea Mary Kitsouiiakis rancis Shirley Miller and AVilliatn Natalie Alp qj Judith Barr Ar Roberta Eleanor Bi that i for the owners are ex if they obserat: bi rns birthday Eastbampton Jan 28 orty' and their friends gathered at Hall to celebrate the birthday of ert Burns on Saturday night enjoyed a supper served by the red erick bros before beginning the even ing program Hector Campbell was toastmaster and gave a short history of Burns During the evening the group sang Scotch songs accompanied bv Mrs James at the piano Miss Carolyn Smith sang three songs accompanying herself Mr and Mrs Campbel were presented a plaque of Burns and his Highland Mary by Charles Koeber on bohgalf of the Club of which Mr Camp bell has just retired as president Mis Pollard played for dancing Refresh ments were served and the party closed with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne" 'IRS ARTHUR BOVIXO 'lbs Helen Mfilznlfvkl of 22 Maple St AVcMfiehl no humor an he did not thought Hurl was one in the yaid "ho had been threatening him when they obseivt he tried his hand at trading with the Kelly Rohe rsaimnes anq lived with them for Philip Distefano Robert tltrie years Evangelns Kacoyanaks vir rKte ly "tliiftltOO Granville num 1 I I 1 iremans Association will be Town Hall on the 30th at eeds will be donated to the of Dimes" serving as Admission tu tiie rink will only The tickets may Jan Russell Kitt redge public spirited Broad St res ident who recently attracted city wide attention by snow Removal operations benefiting elderly residents in his neighborhood was awarded further recognition today when employees of the Co on North Elm St presented him a "good neighbor orchid" The presentation took place tiinf lu? aus in coi 'diiion by the other wit 11 cs'(? He 'ltd drive away after at tempting to explain hi difficulties he said hut observed they were in accept an explanation feared he would he assaulted if aid he a 'bAkn carried nn for three years Mrs Leon Adams nf Church underwent an operation today Mary Lane luispital Ware Guild the Congregational Church will hold a home made Tood auction at the Hrst Parish House at their monthly mating Tuesday The sss will he Mrs Mildred King Pearl King and Mrs Anna Wess EASTHAMPTON HENRY LAA1ONTAGNE eEasthampton Jan 28 Henrv montagne 19 died Monday at home of his sister Mrs Amelia Martin 1S5 ITeasant St after a short ilness He had been in the hospital with a heart condition for four weeks but had le I turned home two weeks ago Born in Victory Mill ob 27 1899 a son of the late Joseph and Virginia BoberU Lamontagne he came to Easthampton as a young man lie had been' employed at the Hantfpton Print AVorks of the Aspinook Co and was a member of the League of tiie Sacred Heart of Notre Dame Church are four brothers Joseph of AA'aterville Me Euclide of Clintonville Alfred of Leeds and Mose of this town: six sisters Mrs Emile St Pierre of this town Blandford Jan 28 The directors of th Union Agricultural and Horti cultural Society met in Deane Me morial Hall Monday evening and they elected Erwin Shepard as chair man and John Peebles clerk Mr Seven Anderson Jr resigned as' director and Mrs A'ei non Bodur tha was chosen to fill her place The Grange is planning a pres sure cooker demonstration eb 6 Abierla Anderson N'ozik Michael Bui he Cooley his rocbel the Gilman of Gustaf on Azn 's Hey Jean Jick carrier George Allard of iurel post in GAR Hall I a lid rl'j ir is (3King a nun winter vAtatinni due to illness i Mr and Mrs Richard Carmel ofnf 1110 activities of the year Montgomery Rd entertained zuestia nt osmin is being published with th with skiing and snow sports nvPr 'entire proceeds to be turned over to the week end A newly constructed Te fund for charitable and rehabili slide for a ski rip was enjoyed purposes among veterans and among those present were Miss families Reid of Worcester Mr and Mrs Mor I san Carmel of Springfield Mr and Mrs Arturo Dowd Air and Mrs Rohclt Pratt and Mr Lionel Gnbeille whor* high snow crosswalks mutely honored one's good Samaritan incli nations Mr Kittredge well known for his puckish humor informed the gather mg that he ha i removed the from the south side crosswalk only as "as already cleaned sign posted on his private snowdrift forbidding "hunting fishing and trap Ping" Northampton Jan Court resembled a court relations this morning was held in the case of Stanlev Sv pek of Southampton charged with drunkenness A civil case tried last July in Mrs Dolphtts Jolly of Northampton Mrs Alice Marlin of thin town Mr AVildred Demers of Central I 'alls Mrs William AVucnch of Pawtucket It I and Mrs Delia Dotiais of Po land Ore ami several nieces and nephews The funeral will be held at the Boucher funeral home tomorrow morning at 830 followed by a requiem high mass at it? Notre Dame Church Burial will be in St Brisid's Cemetery and three grandchildren The funeral will le lodd at the Newell funeral home at 230 tomorrow with Rev yrou AV hippie pastor of 1 Mvvards Edwards Church officiating Burial in the spring will be in Bridge St cem etery Calling hours at the funeral home are from 7 to 9 tonight riends are asked to omit flowers Bakery Barbara Sore Beauty Culture A slu*t ley Carrillo Rolan 1 ilardoau Muy McGowan Dolor Marton Eml Murray Mair )la NotlL opitz Tarpinian it nn Eunic of Matfield Jiurial was Cemetery Nine Charles Jones Lois Shirley La Rose Svlvia Rosen Hersho Betty Condi fn Hojnokt Shirley Taylor Jan 28 Local streets sidewalks may have meeting of Public W01 Jo whether WILCOX ELECTED HEAD ATONEMENT CHURCH Jan Malcolm AVilcoz nf AVestern Ave has been elected president of tiie Club of the Atonement Church Other officers are vice president Dr Donald Buck ley Hubert Roe Richard Knight and John Miner: secretary Herlert rial ton and treasurer Cutler Drovvell The club held a diner meeting last night Entertainment was provided by a magician At the meeting riday night an ap plication will be presented for a charter to state department officials who are to attend Harry Allen of Ludlow county vice commander will assist the members of the now group in drawing the charter papers and hi i emulation procedure in conduct ing meetings John Btrry vice chairman of the Department Speakers' Bureau will make a short address during the meet ing Among possible condidates who may set ottice are Helen Galanin Mm his truck CAUCUS NAMES ELECTION CANDIDATES Gianville Jan 28 The annual citi caucus was held 'Monday night at Town Hall with 17 votes cast The following nominations wore made for the officers to be elected at the an nual tow meeting on March 1: moii vi rtier inert neots cierK A Root: selectmen three Stephen Roberts two yens Henry "Isen one year AValter auditor Guy Hansen constables Smnely Beekwitlo and Henry Ken ney: treasurer Henry AVai ker bnrth tax collector Ora I Good ing assessor for three years Joseph Dickinson library trustee for three yena Lena Humphrey: School Committee for tireu years Robert Cl oss tree( wankn AVilliam Tatro sun Karl Hansen and Lester Sattler Citizens wishing to take out nomi nation papers for the town election must have them certified and filed "itli the town clerk by 5 pm on in trying during a of 1 car 01 1 1 1 1 1 i jim mm earpi ci pons inuhiiHl thmuun EuhdHq to at nlten tlm fm erals of 15 tmmnt atll in the newly THE SPRINGIELD DAILY NEWS SPRINGIELD MASS WEDNESDAY JANUARY 28 1948 has appealed Lefme near people to tell of his many Marlene Matte ratrtcU Maney He ha spoken befo sie Panichas Jean Pasik Bredim pPn tilt colleges ahtut 1500 club groups Judge Postpones Disposal of Case Of Stanley Sypek WEST BROOKIELD "West Brookfield Jan 2S Oliver Gotlard principal of lhe Junior Hish Schoo and Schnul SL School will call a meeting nf the teachers Thursday to make plans for a fonl sale for the Movies will be shown and refresh ments served at the clubhouse with nntn College students JpvlAVI ventures 1 MINNESOTA ORWARD LEADS SCORING RACE i Chica Mclntyr SAID TO CHANGE REPARATIONS POLICY don Cady or Mrs Horace Coash Mrs Philip Arcouette who was hurt in an accident jn store where she was working an I who has been confined to her home a month is some better Drunkenness Charge Brings Re view of Superior Court Action John I i 1 1 time ami i ct I 1 4 unopposed The Hooicis pu a tight guard fund three around the gigantic Gopher and nicumhont nhimed th VAHirMAc i Street intyre still pupped In 20 points He hit (on an even dozen of 17 attempts front the free throw line and four tu Id goals But he had only 12 attempts at the baket so his shooting average was still good re i advciituti at Unuix Jan 28 Charles AV ent 77 was found dead in bed in snow his home in Montgomery this morn 1 1 ivo 1 zx wr i cv 1 ox ft 1 11 ftftv A iltv I the north sidojwho "ent to visit him Kittredge is a 'If Kent had been ill Death was apparently due to natural causes Dr Edward Smith meiVtea! examiner was notified by local police an I will view the body Mr Kent lived alone in an isolated section of Montgomery He was for merly encaged in farming and in te cent years had been unemployed He wa born in eeding Hills son Janies Chun Of Samuel and Emeline (Bemis) Kent He had resided in Montgomery tfor many years He leaves a brother Edward Kent of AVin ted Conn a step brother rank Sperry and a step sister Mrs AVarren Snow both rif Wncdfical nil erwzxt 1 tv on I ivuvft HIV VI till' ft HJV1 A A nephews uneral arrangements will drunk but denied the farm had show be in charge of ijibson I uneral will be held tomorrow under the direc i tion of May Hussey and Miss Marsaia The final leson will tak place ob 5 Mr Bo durtha will conduct a class on eb 2 9 16 anA 23 I Mr Mary Prairie will open a class in stenciling at the YMCA to 1 morrow night The Prcspi ct Hill hnn will Conduct a publie raid party tumor row nieht at 8 in the school Bridge hall and whist will played and a total of 25 pi izes a warded A son was born at Noble Hospital! to Mr and Mrs lynn HUNTINGTON GRANGE PLANS PANEL ON TAT HARTLEY ACT Huntington Jan Members of me Huntington Grange 1 fiends Hillside Monday meeting degree Highland Grange lowed at 845 by a panel discussion of the Taft Hartley Labor Act A thorough study will lie made of the act Mrs Ralph Cole master of uixmamt orange wi I nresen i bowlinz match last night in Profes sional alleys th team was defeated by the faculty Miss Cath erine of the faculty was hgh scorer The Stamp Club met last night in the Iibrary Mrs Anna Miller dis cussed the Arbor Day stamp while Lester Eldredge gave a talk on the Panama Canal commemorative stamp of 1939 The next meeting will be held eb in Projects for the year were dis cussed at the meeting of the Rotary OHIO yesterday in Colonial ginning next week the club it Hotel AVestfield Damage was caused by city owned truck at the citv Lockhouse yesterday Sill fl II fbinti cia I ft WT ft shed in the tear of the home of Ray mond Parages of 8 Notre Dame St The Club will meet AAednesday to vote on proposed amendments to the by law a fea ture of the program will be the pre sentation of a musicale by George Ringchrist of Springfield bell ringer Cat 1 AA I ratt of Smith Ave has been called to by the death of his cousin rank Privt 68 retit ed assistant postmaster in that town lhe March of Dimes campaign will close Saturday Contributions may be left in irst National and Westfield Co Operative Banks placed in numer ous coin boxes in stores throughout the city or mailed to Postmaster George Brady James Bresnhan of Crown St is vacationing in lorida Protest March Against Britain London Jan 28 Rett'eis reported txday that tn liiObiui red Robert phen ovum Donald Gagnon Mary Korlilnr Al it ilvn limn llm Thrilling adventures ncountbi cl noski Kaknkovv itz Ittv le over 2o years of wanderme in the Noir tiu Un a liaku Hxrbara Lav me "astciamts 01 Alaska anil urn rar Klaine Diviismi Marv North "ill he recounted by Harold William Karis vcrlv Eide gold miner Eskimo trader and a meeting of the aith Club Monday night Claimed to be the best in man on Alaska today the "ill take as his subject 1 Around the Toil of the The li zislit ive committee of the as sociation reported that fire ti ticks to he assigned "ill arrive about April 1 has been reached as to trucks "ill be stationed Thomas iviiniignn liae Iman named chairman of the third annual Washington Day Bill spojismed by AVorld AVar II Post 326 American Legion on eb 21 at Hotel Kimball A meeting of committee msmlers rkiwin LansmS and Miry Sabin I aii i' ti tic lom Mil this city She will be nominated Kravitz and Jen day night at GAR Hall when a cmn Barbara Gud uft ft ft 1 nn 1 1 1 mi 1 ct rish and Sophi Pilizian Special Art Shirley Andrews tail Si llmg Adele Colonti Ribft Edvti 1 Mu or turn Raclii I JaiiftiA iitl Jasmn konski Bty Betty S'tar lxd AVatts ami Etvvud AA TildA Dress 3 ve Kogut Mari Mc CaUigett and hone Novik I'radA inn shortly after tictk backed up car The driver "a in the seat hoai 1 slump over Later tried i to drive away Jimioz said and 5L kith i iap 11g nh Afnvlan nf Mnntasue City DM Mur) nrinsta td hAt 513501 Ktlwifl Olandpf in hiz i drove front he address declared that the I tftf 1 individual scoring strong bid today to wtn the point making championship this year and day indicate the probability of a large 1 sqnad Confetenuc turnout The candidates are: Town! 1 clerk and tteasmer for one year Sa he mA die Cooper incumbent unoppused Cm in I 'n individual selectman and Board of Health and vcra with a 1 1US AVelfare Joseph Glasing presen i ccod 1 counters' chairman of the board opposed by an a' of former Selectman Richard Giltrop ViPr ha1 rall' li Murray assessor taxes for three years JXph AvAv A Beatty incumbent omvos l'' had played more Ltuiiditi a'? Kilsspu colh'vtor of taxos for one 1 Kennedy incumbent trustee of A Pettis yans Claxton Kyle BOY COASTER HURT WHEN HIT BY CAR' vvesttield Jan oagene seven year old son of Mr and Mrs Edward Champagene of North west Rd wls injured yesterday after noon when struck by a car operated by Stanley Oldershavv of 8 AVoro noco Ave while sliding in the vicinity of his home According to police the youth was coasting out of the driveway of his home and Olderhaw was driving west Northwest Rd near the lull close to Russell Rd intersection The boy was taken to the home of! XX 4 ftx4 LN tVD 1 rr I ftinunn will later ftft 1 ci rtllt 1 id r'l "aS IT moved to Noble ILvspital where nrs I a xvpre taken He is beliefed i havetn rl a CftXpX ftftX ft 1 ft Ift 1 1 'Uiumi a MftfeHi COIK'U 'MVH ills con diuon was reported as good' by hos NORTHIELD DRIVER KOWALCZYKS TO MARK APPEARS IN COURT lAi UHlIVLDUDV it 11 11 11 1 Vi iv iivtnvjn 1 Jan Mr and Mrs Thomas Kowalczyk 40 Lewi St will observe tlvdr 43d wedding anni versary riday NCivcs if Poland Mr and Mrs Krwaivzyk "cie married in Holy Trini'y Church by Rev Przybilskt and luv hero sim time The cmipli have two daugh four buys and thirty tx sirls the hutior roll at Tia1 Schoo announced today by Principal A Buiiifti The list iodous: Department Douglas Howia I Cosimo Longo Timina Mazzaforro 1 1 1 il i 1 II Mfciunftt' I Iran A I vx Alabama Polytechnic rank Pontes oy and Jam 1 hompeon 'P 11 iti filing Departm' Gaetan Armtno Arnold Ieaten rreikrick an1 is Sebieffer Auto Body Josph Rolask' ram ia Coulter Archie Dal a pesorara Going Hu ling ranc dt 1 Hart Lawrence Gonvea Daniel Kihb Robert PtZZo and AValter Sacharezyk Pattern Department Richard Bisson ette Roger Brochu Salvatore Dist Earl itz and Carroll AVilley ctiieil Department James Keau Clarencc UarroH James Dillon AValter Henry George I' melin rank Orszulak oruu Plaese and Ralp i AVidim 1 Avoiding Department Herb eri noaguo snre Meta Department Diniel Allezrczza Joseph Rower Haus Ersitiz and 'orse Rivi Cabinet Department Charles A ms worth ILrbiit Clark and Joseph Zimba: Machine Dopi 1 tment AVil iam CuiiiiiiikIihiii Lionel tq 1 io 1 1 Han Maon Stanley Plezia and Thomas Vakum Aulmnohil Machine Law reuco Swortnnn and Harry Tnrpinian Commercial Art Ronald Beit rand Richard Livingston Ronert MltchAJV Joseph Pardo Krnrsftt Potvin and on th general honor list Ono hundied ami ty izht pupils at Clnstnttt St Junior Hizh School are on the hom*o 10II for th third marking period it was announced to day by rrin ipal Oscar unel ifty six arc on tit maximum honor lit and 1'2 On thi zenrral list Those attaining maximum honors ere Giedo Dov Raoul Irene Charles Davin Ruth Libounz Mary Ann Milclli II I iurome Paros and Dorothy ildiga Gra Eight AVil liam Km tz Ila eeil! Brien Burba Hughes Elain Maier SOUTHWICK Southwick Jan 28 The 4 Hoys Aviation Club ufthe Consolidated School will have members of the Aer onautic Society of AVestfid I as special guests riday evening at 7:30 at the school Mrs Ixmise is the leader of the local club which is mak ing the same type plane a the AVpst ficld chib Thirt tiie whist party sponsored by Club of the Collze Higi Methodist Church held high score and dors was low Mrs winner of the door Rose Lande and Lloyd Holmes winners of the mystery prizes liam Lent was general chairman aid Celley had charge of tickets and Charles Bird was chairman of refresh ments The Southwick lakeXilI team will play a Huntington team tonifcht nt the Consolidated School The gram mar school boys of the Clu'i will play a school team from Huntington The American legion Auxiliary ill meet tonight at the home of the pres ident Mrs Thomas Hannigan on Conaamonil Heights Mrs Marjorie Hollister and Mrs Ann Phelps are the hostesses The first ear 4 Sewing Class met rrutay at the Consolidated oote of theaprons Miss the class The North Groups of the met today at the hom*o of Mrs Alvin Cass of South Longyard Rd The Grange setback tournament will meet tomorrow evening with Bland ford Grange at 8 The Lions Club will observe ladies night tonight at the Anchor Railways in Holy Land Jerusalem Jan Ji wish sources claimed today that seven Arabs were lain iasi riigui Elsewhere in Elsewhere in ers carried out on freight trains in efforts lure militaty supplies Uniformed Arabs looted 14 near Tulkarm and made off unknown quantity of military equip ment At Caeseria on the northern un tvv Lynn Clarence Cl tIXVX Supper will be served at 630 Reser thers of vations may be made with Mrs Gor pital List chance to register before town niec win to at the hom*o of Harry A WESTIELD BRIES The Piasttin Club will meet tomor row night in ellows Hall Of ficers will be elected and annual re ports lead The club enjoyed an ex ceptional oc itl year during 1347 Instruction i skiing will be given tonight at the YMCA by Stan Brown Morgan A ittenzl will the speak er a tomorrow niznt I th Kiwanis Club in Colonial Inn team I'AKh PART A HI1IHY Jan A public card the held at posed to be ftreprof but could not OI lll? UilliL Iiu iLtt chr ckod it further The coach iitvIVl in fire was being serviced prcpaiatory to being sent out again HATIELD VACHUJA RITES Ha 1 field Jan 28 uneral services for Stove Vachula of Elm St wore conducted yesterday afternoon in St Lutheran Church with Rev James Sopko the pastor officiating Bearers were John Yurik Paul Yu rik Michael Michael Ponko and Martin all St night and onidi rod for the lust were In ax ft Xf a 1 8 1 in tn t'rohan of it was Eleanor George one walk eliminated as such ret of the winter Home 11 on long Wais to snovoi the nd to well ollie th' idea ministration of the late Mayor AVal richt side of the street er vv Donnell The proposal vva turned down by 'the voters who also rejected plan several years azo No information was available today He said he as to when the study will begin the several when a report will be returned Miss and plans will be discussed Patton Si As the hall i one of the largest Sullivaat of 122 Conn Jan 2s There will UX I be a meeting of the Cub Pack rtday nizht social rooms of the'' Con class giegatioiial Church tricks were "'in lhe theme Scoutmaster Pich take "rd Payson who is spending the win nlane eb in ter in Hartford will show a movie Th Sunshin Group of Mthodtl Church mt yesterday in th church 'lr nsrlnr? lr Roceio Xha! an4 lrc Lida Knapp wr hostess Th nv mtinz "ill rak plac eb io at in tne A'kin nd hostesses CITY CHARTER CHANGE BEING DEBATED AGAIN' Northampton Jan The first (hint that a charter change study is 1 in the ufting cam tnrfay when it was of earned that the Republican Citv scene "ieeting last night natm 1 rx a mid uuiiiiiinire mat win pick five tmemnrrx to study changes in the citv charter Pi esumabiy AVashington Jan The United Mates is eomplftry reviewing its policy on Geiman reparations and a high level decision on future policy is expected soon it was learntd authori tatively today Secretary of Stattj Gorgo Mar slate of officers will be pnsent shall went on record nt the rocentP'1 unsuccessful Rig our meeting in' Miss Tardiff is a lormor member London as opposed to any the ES deliveries of (rorman plants from the western zones as rcparatioiis to Po land ami Russia And his policy abandonment of the Potsdam formula expected to bo upheld I Retired Montgomery armer Had Been III MID YEAR EXAMS PREVAIL AT AMHERST Amherst Jan 29 Th Amherst College intercollegiate athletic pro gram was at a complete standstill to ay with the mid year examination no! taking complete command for tile next ten day Only scheduled ap pearance for an Amherst team be tween now and ebruary 7 is the an nual trip of the lelay team to Millros games at iurk Saturday lligllti ELECT CHIE DALTON Northampton Jan ire Chief Charles Dalton was elected presi 'ent of the AA estern Massachusetts orest I 'iie Association at th annual meeting here last night Eugene Graves of AA'hately was chosen vic president Roy Tenton of Shelburne all secretary and AVilliam AV Clark of AV stfield treas ICE CARNIVAL SET OR SATURDAY Northampton Jan Tony Ray mun local figure skater and instruc tor will act as rink master ami mas ter of ceremonies at the second an nual community ice skating fes tival Saturday on the Circle Eight Skating Rink The festival for jun ior boy members of the community will be in charge of Benjamin Mysorski A program of ice activities will be LEAVE ON TRIP Jan Mr and Julius Block of Mill St left by Portland Ore where Mrs sister cisit friends In San I and Los Angeles ft'al and returning home Manh 1 Mr is proprietor of Block's AA'om rvvay Mr Eide OX ft 1 ftX 1 1 ft' ft I ft ft ift I ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft I XI IRl UU 1 1 11 1 III hpr 01 a fn'aling crew al the age nf 15 The next lo jears he nent on Spits Jan Minnesota's Jim 1CIK1 11 lsland All Big Nine basketh vi 8ar City" northern end second in tiie on our fto ft! bi Greenland he and his companions a I "rvaiiit ma i Jirii i penu iaaiSo the winter tn a snowdrift eating their Clark own dogs to keep aliv The lute of gold called him tn Alas thur wlteie struck it proapcrtlnjr day that bcmc first man to ever drive a team timber wolves instead of dogs Later son Lawrem Kalrsnik Edward KeL Kent Emmen Berns 4 HONORED BY EAGLES Northampton Jan or his out I ftU 1 ciiiii iimi iii iu me county and city as chairman of the Hamp shire County Chapter of the National 11 Infantde Paralysis oundation Postr master Edward Cooney was pre sntd the first annual civic award by Noj Chaptr of Eagles last Inizhr Th Eazl are to make the award annuativ I ostmaster Cooney was lauded for his work in the community over many years He has been postmaster 11 ve ars served a first chairman for a iComnittnity Chst campaign is a tat president of the Chamber nf Com imeree has been active in work of the' ftxi i I ftftft I 1 1 1 i LVl Stf'etdl v1 fl 1 a School Board member Attj I Ke fe pricienc of the local of Eagle presided of 412 ederal pnipr: mixtni find it Citx Committee and both fivn man Hoards will work with city officials to taeK onto sidewalks in an cf pietermine if a charter change is infort widen the streets order AVallace A Howe street superin Thre ha been little talk in TAO nr 'tendent has advanced the idea as1 and one owned bylnonlhs revisions of the charter be ltle on Possible solution nf the prob 1 inc necessary hut it WESTIELD PERSONALS An executive board imeting of the: halt the Abner Gibbs school will lie hildj va were unsuccessful Jamrog tomorrow n'gnt Bet tram Ackermann of 16 Cortez Another lesson in short cut Barbara Edward Rai bsra tnlla Pinke Claii Knajiik Neita AA enks Shirley Pettazoni Solomon Cohen Ib tbert Demond Harvey Grant Carl Mi ndola Robert Radnei Jun Al brecht Joan Cole and Ph lip Redai Grade Seven Jacro lmi da rd Joan Koutote Beverly Davis Gai Demerit Elizalietli Drago June Duiml Ln i rice erris Gloria Kablotsky Pauline Dunn Mtfcta Kantian ma Koral Vivian Lapides nrv Mareim linw rp 111 Tl 1 Donald Mei am Hohn Maier I A A fl fl VACO I ane )br Ivan Rlincha Poosc xlUUI VUv jlllU Danish IJarbaia tdahashian Shirley Piela Phy lha Plifki Iria Pot tern nd Harold tide Who Had antastic Career in Arctic to Speak At aith Church' irst 'commander of th nntv American Legion nos AVestern Massachusetts is to be Miss' xtiun Jarnir of 31 St POLICEWOMAN CHOICE ULLAhEU DI DVAAU A 1 1 poys uuiiio bins In Trade Studies T'i A a I iic i rrdinn nu ic i and Mr John Iusa of Maple: 1 a Sn iriPl nf I I Rockville were married the 20th at I St Church in Rnckvillr Parlnr with Mrs LouiiZPne periormeu me eie Mr ftimony The couple were attended by Miss Helen Gessay as maid of honor i and Jonn bnadel brotnr of the bride groom as best man The young cou ple are living in Rockville Not hampton that have two similar committee of after ed from Mie five named by th Democratic of iug the drunkenness trial which wound up with disposition postponed for three months by Judge diaries Connor Mrs Sypek the hearing disclosed had summoned State Trooper AVilliam Sienkiewicz to the Southampton farmhnn Wrv A 1 iy iv iug by Theodore Mitchell local barber abuBive' on he testified he would not ordinarily have arresteel Sypek for drunkenness Mrs Sypek claimed her husband consumed a pint and a half of liquor and slapped her across the face Un der questioning by Atty Thomas Stapleton defense counsel the wom an denied there had been any hard feelings over an order of the Super ior court issued profits from the and questioning court proceedings lege1 failure to calry out terms of the decision The son of the defendant AA alter who has served as manager of the farm testified his father was a profit He admitted he had not de posited any returns from the farm in the bank to the joint credit of his pa rents book at ines Jlvx in 'passing on Chester Goiec of speeding in Main St Murphy of West Tisbury paid speeding in Wright Ave stagcik for boy with skating and non p'istory of labor laws and how it is 00 Jeff quattt officiallv opened skating events on the list An ex that this one be admiuis 1 season last Satnrdavat Boston members Carl Klingholz treasurer of Knights of Culuinltis meet in Miss Emily 'omona will show how it affects 1 which they finished second 1o AVil employer 1111 Munuitz lect i mi ms In a Littl our mile rel iv in of Cumminzton Grange will tk ti which R11 niRi xxesexan vg 1 fts xr ftrx is 0 ft 1 XI i 1 entered following the Million tne the lUnnt rs iir it henp i Boston tiiA 1 1 fits th working Tlu I end to er will be Mrs Raymond Warner of 'bettering K' 'Tc AA ilhamsbure Gi anen I ui ntu ize the panel and speak of the effect on the public Mrs will also introduce the panel participants each of whom is limited to fiv minutes The au dience will be limited to one question each MRS JANE Northampton Jan (Erskine) Smith SO widow of Smith died yesterday in her home at North St after a short illness A native of Scotland daughter of Rob ert and Jane (Hall) Erskine Mrs Smith came to this country when a young girl and had resided in this benefit of the Camera Club program ty for 52 years She wa a mem 1 featuring entertainment program ner of Edwards Congregational Church from the School Assembly Service a me memner 01 uoric Chapter cont inuation of the program that Ui 14'125 lira 1 1 1 l(J I leaves two daughters Miss and Mrs one son Smith of Northampton recalled lpn) by the repeated It is estimated that 2ti to 25 added to some streets government should not tl1P f1Kn adopted it the home of Mr Hut 1 told the court he had no luck" change the machinery of govern 1 Only streets that have id walks halt the defendant im iit tne present form i found "ouiu ancted with on the running board Aput of tune with the times The lat attempt a vhu ter change here which have set up one board nnn council camo dunn? f' fe I uui A IHRas I Ek 7 A i A 3IISS JlIhv TA Bin topic will pertain to the Wcstfield River and its water power possibili ties Tn the ranklin St School PTA.

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.