The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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HANTP DE COUNTY LONGMEADOW Continued from Page 15 Mrs Kent of Worcester and daugh ter Miss Mabel Kent of Northampton a teacher in Smith college Miss Edith ay who has taught in the Hartford schools the past year stops over to day to spend Sunday with her uncle ay on her way to Ben son Vt The Longmeadow athletic club team go to Hazardville Ct to day for a game of baseball So far they have been vi torious in every game played winning 1 games XV XV Comstock and daughter are entertaining his sister Mrs Elizabeth and Mrs Clark of Middle Had dam Ct who came last evening for a visit Mrs William Libbey of Crescent road has been entertaining an uncle and aunt Rev and Mrs A Jefferson who left yesterday for Portland Me Elizabeth daughter of Eugene Rus sell graduates from tbe orest park school next week and will enter the tech nical high in September Miss Mary rench Aldrich of the tech nical high school is recovering from ft week's illness caused by nervous exhaus tion Mrs A Smith is entertaining a cousin from Stafford Ct Mrs Annie Chaffee rank Magrania has bought two lots on Converse street AGAWAM Rev IL Von der Sump of New Ha ven Ct will occupy the pulpit of the Congregational church to morrow morn ing and evening The topic of the morn ing sermon will be in terms of every day and at the union service in tiie evening he will speak on "The life of joy" Rev Mr Von der Sump graduated this month from the Yale divinity school While continuing his studies he has also been supplying the church in North Guil ford Ct and at present he is in Northfield giving a normal group a course of instruc tion The Congregational missionary society listened to an interesting talk on Thursdav afternoon from Mrs Paisley of Sar Marcos Tex on the organization and work of the Presbyterian woman's mission ary board and the methods of work both for the home and foreign field She spoke also of ths large number of Mexicans in that vicinitv for whom is great need of work and financial assistance Mr and Mrs II Reed entertained a pleasant family party recently including Airs Reed's mother Mrs Bennett and her sisters Miss Stella Bennett and Mrs Bertha Sexton her aunt Mrs A Todd with her two daughters Airs Har rv Kelsey with her son Norman of Brook line and Mrs Henry Merrell with her son Richard and a cousin Mrs Charles Garvin of Holliston Rev Whittemore is attending the meetings of the American Baptist conven tion in Boston this week Mrs Whitte more went to join him on riday and thev will be away over Sunday Carl Johnson a student' of the univer sity of Maine who has been spending a few days with his brother Paul Johnson on Elm street has returned to his home in Easthampton Mrs Pond with her baby and aon Kenneth hare gone to Manchester to visit her mother for a few days Arthur Wedge of the Massachusetts antisaloon league will speak in the Baptist church to morrow morning SOUTHWICK The graduation of the grammar school was held in the Congregational church Thursday evening The church was taste fully decorated with evergreens and lau rel and the class 14 in number presented a pretty appearance Prayer was offered by Rev Newman Asa Gray of Am herst gave an address on the subject making of a which was well re ceived The music was furnished by the singing of the class Mrs Gillett be ing the pianist The diplomas were pre sented by Hastings Miss Carrie Galpin accompanied her pu pils of the Mooretown district to Elizabeth park in Hartford Ct Thursday Miss Myrtle Lancaster of the Pleasant street school gave her pupils a picnic 'yesterday Miss Pear Bugbee accompanied her pu pils of the South Longyard school to or est park Springfield yesterday The committee of arrangements are mak ing a great effort to make the ourth of July a day of enjoyment to all An orches tra of 10 pieces from Springfield will be present and play during the day and ac company the soloists On Monday her 17th birthday Miss Gertrude Palmer received a shower from her schoolmates and friends Among the presents were flowers a bathrobe a sum of money and 90 remembrance cards There will be a reception for Rev and Mrs Jobbins at the Methodist chureh Tuesday evening The public are invited The Campfire girls under their leader Miss Maud Gillett will spend to day at Lake grove Congamond Superintendent Josiah McCann held a teachers' meeting in the grammar school rooms yesterday The Baptist church will hold a business meeting at their church Monday evening There will be no services at the Metho dist church to morrow The schoola closed yesterday for the sum mer vacation EAST LONGMEADOW Mrs Margaret Walters and her daugh ter Miss Davidina Walters sailed last Tuesday for a visit to Scotland the birth place of Mrs Walters Miss Walters in tends to visit England also' among her relatives They will probably re turn in September There will be a special meeting'held at the Baptist church to morrow at 1045 for all church members Miss Marion Day entertained Miss Mil dred Ballou of New York city this week Rev and Mrs A Day attended the Beleher Jobbins wedding XX ednesday even ing Miss Mabel Ellis has tone to Berlin Ct for a few visit with relatives HAMPSHIRE COUNTY MIDDLEVIKLD Mrs rank A Cottrell attended the grad uation exercises of the Deerfield high school this week her brother Richard Waite being one of the graduates Miss Winnie Graves has closed her school duties in isherville and is spending the summer vacation with her parents Mr and Mrs Willis Graves Prof Gerald Smith and family of Chi cago III are spending a few months at their summer home Airs McElwain and two daughters of Holyoke are spending several months at their summer home The actory Village and Bancroft school closed yesterday for the summer vacation BELCHERTOWN The children of Air and Mrs Jewell Knight recently returned from India speak Hindu quite as well as they do English Air Knight brought an Indian lad home with him and the children will no doubt retain their knowledge Miss Elizabeth Nichols of Erie college has joined the family circle at the home of her parents Prof and Mrs Wilbur Nichols Quite a large number of visitors at tended the ranklin school graduating ex ercises yesterday The funeral of Henry Kimball was held yesterday afternoon Under forest regulations in Colombia rubber gatherers are required it is said to give the trees a rest period in tapping them for gum HAMPSHIRE CO UN NORTHAMPTON 'Surprise Reception on 5tb An ni ver nary A surprise reception was extended in Parsons hall Thursday evening to Mr and Airs David Condon observance of the 25th anniversary of their wedding There was a large attendance and many gifts were presented including a sum of money Mr and Mrs Condon were mar ried June' 19 1SS9 in the church of the Annunciation by Rev Lucey Air Condon is employed by the McCallum hosiery company and has been sexton of the church of the Annunciation 25 years Mr and Mrs Condon have five children Mrs John Organ Helen Grace Ly Elsie Af and David Jr Baby Show Award at Sacred Heart air The closing evening of the largely at tended and successful fair of Sacred Heart church comes to night on the grounds of the Iast evening a clam chowder supper was served and there was again a large attendance Prizes in the baby show were awarded as follows: I'rettiest girl Blanche Trembley prettiest boy a son of Air and Mrs Walter Crown: prettiest blue eyes Doris McClure largest baby Gladys Briggs: most popular baby Charles Chevalier The judges were Mrs XV Airs Leahy and Mrs Philip Gleason Piano pupils of Prof Locke Norris gave recitals Thursday evening and last evening in Prof studio in the Masonic 'block and were assisted bv the Temple Quartet comprising Alalcolm' War ren Graves Ernest Bergan and Bernard Manning With the close of thia season Prof Norris closes 25 years of piano teaching in Northampton funeral of Mrs Lena Tellier hold yesterday morning in Sacred Heartehuren Rev Phillias Trottier officiating The bearers were Harold William and Victor Lafoe red Sid low of Indian Orchard all grandsons of Airs Tellier and Peter and Edward Barry of Holyoke nephews Burial was in St come tery The June sitting of the superior court adjourned yesterday morning without date In the court case of the Massachu setts bonding and insurance company against Thomas MacBean of Easthampton findingwas for the plaintiff in the sum of $205 Divorces have been granted to Louise Weatherbee Murphy against red Murphy and Esther Rodimon against Walter Rodimon Sixty members of Betty Allen chapter of Daughters of the American Revolu tion made a trip to the summer home of Mr and Mrs John Mather in Goshen in 10 automobiles Thursday afternoon The guests were delightfully entertained by the hosts their daughter Miss Esther Mather and a committee from the chap ter comprising Miss Lucy Loud Mrs John Bassett Mrs Crafts Airs Hoagland and Mrs Sauter The fifth season of the Hampshire county gospel tent meetipgs was opened yesterday in the northwest district of Westhampton Rev Wightman the county missionary being in charge Meet ings will be conducted in the course of the season about 10 days in each of eight places A service will be held every even ing except Monday and a special serv ice Sunday afternoon at 3 Pupils and friends of the Unitarian Sunday school will hold a picnic this after noon at the summer home of Rev Dr and Mrs Smith in Goshen leaving on the 2 o'clock car Conveyances will meet them at Williamsburg Air and Airs red XV Tilley and Miss Mattie Huling" who were injured in the automobile accident on the Smiths erry road Wednesday evening were sufficient ly recovered yesterday to return to their home in lorence Tableaux showing the work of pupils in progress will be presented in connec tion with the graduation exercises of agricultural school riday The senior class will hold a banquet at Boy den's Tuesday funeral of Walter Trow who died in Poqqnock Ct was held yesterday aft ernoon at the undertaking rooms of Ely Son Rev Irving Maurer officiating Burial was in Bridge street cemetery Edward rederick aid William Wilson of Holyoke paid fines of $20 each In the district court yesterday for hav ing in their possession seven trout of less than six inches in length The members of Northampton lodge of Elks are requested to be present in Spring Grove cemetery to morrow afternoon at 230 to conduct a committal service for Herbert Richards Tea will be served at the country club this afternoon by Mrs A Coburn Mrs Cobb Airs Shores arid Airs Staab Progressive whist will be played The A Bailey veteran firemen's association will go to Chicopee to day with the hand tub Mercer to compete in the contest of the muster The 1913 class of the high school will hold its first reunion at Bide a Wee inn in Hadley this evening and will have rincinal Roote as a guest Dr Adams and family of Bridge street will sail to day from New York for Europe where they will spend the sum mer Air and Airs Sidney Gilbert of Spring field whose son rederick was drowned Thursday are former residents of lor ence Lewis Wood of Prospect street died yes terday afternoon after a long illness The funeral arrangements are not vet made I Alichael Kiley son of Air and Mrs John Kiley of Orchard street grad uated Thursday from Clark college The officers of Co I will report at West Newbury Wednesday for attendance at the school Afiss Ruth Cooper of Prospect street will sail to day from New York on a trip to Europe Mrs A Woodruff has sold to Prof Wilder a lot on Belmont avenue HUNTINGTON UNKNOWN MAN KILLED Was Stmrk by East ot Main Street Crossing An unknown man was struck and killed by an east bound freight train just be tween the Main street crossing on the bridge about 6 last evening The man was apparently walking on the west bound track and stepped out of the way of a train on that track directly in front of the other train' The' body was badlycut up The man was apparently about 40 years old five feet five inches tall and of dark complexion He wore a light checked coat that bore tbe name John White maker Springfield In the pocket was a card bearing the name of John Dana hey printer Springfield A large bunch or wen on the man right arm may help in the identification The body was viewed by Medical Examiner Aface who ordered it removed to A under taking rooms where it will remain while effort Is made find out who' the man was Rev Lewis will close his work with the Second Congregational church of Huntington and the Union church of Mont gomery to morrow No farewell services will be held Air Lewis will give a brief summary of the church work" during the past six years at the morning seryice clos ing with a communion service and in the evening will preach a regular sermon using for his topic sin of The pastor and his fafnily will remain in town until after the high school gradua tion and then will go to Pepperell where he will begin his duties on the 28th The body of Miss lorence Matthews who died in Springfield was brought to THE SPRINGIELD Huntington for burial in the family lot in the Norwich Bridge ceme tery Miss Matthews was a resident of Huntington for a number of years and was well and favorably known there Rev XV Sampson will attend the great Baptist convention in Boston and the Baptist church ill unite with the Congre gational church at both services to mor row Smith will preach the bac calaureate sermon to the senior class of the high school to morrow morning at St Thomas church EASTHAMPTON THIRD EDWARDS PRIZE DEBATE Name of Winner of Williston Semi nary Contest Will Be Announced Tueaday The third annual debate in competition for the Edwards prize was held last even ing iij the seminary chapel The prize of 1912 went to XV Shinnick the prize of 1913 to A Moore Prof George Tibbets presided over the de bate of last evening and the music' was furnished by Clark and Prof Ileury Kelley The question was: "Resolved That all American owned vessels engaged in coastwise traffic should be exempt from paying tolls for passage through the Panama Affirmative rnnklin Leonard Laurence Hitchco*ck and Vernon Kellett negative Donnld Alitehell Jr Harry Shepro and Edward XX'inslow The committee of award comprised Rufus Cook of Northamp ton Principal XV Judd of Holyoke and Principal James Reed of Hadley The committee returned a sealed verdict which will be opened and the award an nounced at the graduation exercises Tues day The Edwards prize is offered for the beat individual debate and no decision is made between affirmative and negative sides The threatened strike of the carpenters is avoided by a vote of tbe union to postpone to August 1 their de mand for 45 cents an hour and Satur day half holiday This action was taken to give the contractors a chance to com plete Work taken on the basis of present wages Tbe third degree will be conferred upon a lnriJh class by Easthampton council of Knights of Columbus in the town hall to morrow afternoon at 3 lairge delegations are expected from a number of neighboring councils The executive committee of the high school alumni association is plan ulna a meeting and entertainment' to follow the graduation exercises of riday cveumg irst communion will be received at the church of the Immaculate Conception to morrow morning by a class of 40 voung people Miss Helen Abbott sailed Thursday from New h'ork for rance where she will spend the summer hi study Button son of Prof and Mrs A Buffalo was graduated from Yale university this week The remodeling of the interior of the Masonic block has reached the stage ot the finishing work The water extension to Clapp street' is completed and the water has been turned on WARE Death of Alru Hoaore I)fcoteau Mrs Honore Descotoau 72 died at her home on Aspen street at 230 yesterday morning after a long illness of a complica tion of diseases She was born in Can ada but had spent many years of her life in XX'are She is survived by seven sons Adelard of Honore of Hart ford Ct Joseph of Gilbertville Eugene of East Douglas Onesime of Springfield Emile of NewXVestminster Philip of Kansas City Mo and one daughter Melvina bf XX'are The funeral will be held from the home to morrow after noon at 3 and a high mass of requiem will be held Monday morning in Mt Carmel church Burial will be in Mt Car roel cemetery 1 Chamberlain a representative of the International correspondence schools "while trying to 'Turn Into Bank street from Alain street on hl i motorcy cle yesterday ran into Alm Lynn Gates throwing her violently to the ground She was picked up in a semi conscious condition and taken into' II Lemaitre's drug store Dr Ryan was summoned and found that Airs Gates was suffering from lacerations about both el bows abrasions on her face and hands and a cut upon her chest Mr Chamber lain was thrown from the machine but was unhurt The machine was consid erably bent Officer John Casey took Air Chamberlain to the stafion house and Chief of Police Buckley investi gated the accident Chief Buckley did not hold the man but ordered him Io appear in court this morning The funeral of MrsKimoureux was held from Alt Carmel church yesterday morning with Rev Sheehan officiat lag The bearers were Theophile Pro vost A Gsriepy John Provost Dupont Joseph Provost and Lean der Letourneau Burial was in Mt Car mel cemetery Afiss Helen arrar of college has arrived in to spend the vaca tion with her parents Mr and Airs XV arrer of Church street Afiss Aileen Barrett of Smith is spending the summer with her parents Rev and Mrs on Cot tage street Miss Bertha Spencer of Plainfield is the guest of her parents Dr and Mrs A Spencer of Church street Mr and Mrs Thomson Hastings are spending a week in Woodsville AMHERST Hlffh School Seniors llojd Reception The annual senior reception given by the class of 1914 of the Amherst high school to their friends took place last 'evening in the town hall The decorations in gredn and white with the clqss pin and were left intact frem graduation night The music for the 20 dances and extras was furnished by Loomis's orchestra of six pieces of Haydenville The new dances were allowed for tbe first time and were much in evidence The patronesses were Mrs A Hardy Mrs Charles XV Mar shall Miss Helen Putnam Aliss Saisie Allen Miss Alary Hawley and Airs Harold Risley The dance orders were in marble green covers with green cord and silk wound pencil The embossed class pin ap peared on the inner cover The senior committee in charge was President XVal ter Scribner Miss Alary Nelligsn Aliss Ruth Gates Guy Morton and Basil Col lins Afiss Margaret A Martin who was graduated xVednesday from the high school Is one of six children of Martin to be graduated fro the school The oldest James Martin has just re ceived an A degree from Alassachu 1 setts agricultural college and will continue his studies at the same institution for a Ph degree There are two younger children now in high school Elaborate preparations are being made for the senior lawn fete at Amherst col lege Tuesday evening The electric lights and wiring have been removed from the storehouse in Appleton ball and are being strung throughout the campus The senior class is arranging a novel feature in the form of a farewell parade rom 10 to 12 there will be dancing in the gym 1 nasium The fourth degree was wbrked 'by the of ficers 'of Amherst grange at the meeting in Odd hall last evening Deputy Hale ot Bernardston was present A first degree supper was served at 630 in charge of Mrs Newton Russell Airs Herbert Hawley reported for the special commit tee to make arrangements for a grange float for the parade July 4 The regular meeting of the Christian temperance union was held In the parlor of the irst Congregational DAILY REPUBLICAN: SATURDAY JUNK 20 1914 church jTstcrday afternoon und praise service was led by Airs AL Kidder MOUNT HOLYOKE COLLEGE Reunion Trophy Committee The classes indicated below have an tcred the contest at this commencement for the reunion trophy and the names of the cup committee representing the va rious classes as indicated which will have the contest in charge are as follows: Dr Hitchco*ck of Northampton chairman 1884 II 8paf ford of New city: 1894 Harold Hayes of Rochester X' 1899 Charles XV XX'alker of Northampton: 1904 rank Kane of New X'ork city 1908 A Sprenger of Ncwtonville secretary 1911 George Brainerd of Holyoke 1013 8 Aloore of Newton Center ENIELD Janies ord who died suddenly in Springfield ednesday was well known in Enfield where he lived previous to moving to Springfield He was foreman of thq weaving department of the Swift River mills and later for a number of years clerk in the store of the late Smith He also served as master of Bethel lodge of Masons Charles McMullen of Enfield is a nephew of his wife There was a dance in the town hall Inst evening under the direction of the Eufiold baseball team or chestra furnished nrusic Miss Charlotte A Lathrop has returned to her home in Geneva after spending tivo weeks as tha guest of Mrs XV Kimball Miss Agnes is home from normal aehool and Alias Alnbel Harrington from' ramingham normal the sum Clark Tliayce of Cornell university is spending a with hia parents Mr and Mrs Thayer Chester Pike is hom*o from 1 ehusetts' agricultural college for the sum mer vacation i SOUTH HADLEY ALLS Airs rank Cordes received word last evening of the death of her brother Charles Thrnnbardt who died on the steamer between Tampa la and New York Mr Thranhardt has been in Tampa Ma for his health for many months and started for his home a few days ago No details relative to his death bad been re ceived last evening The union picnic of the Methodist and Congregational churches will be held at the Dupuis1 grove in Hampton ponds to day and special cars will leave the vil lage for the grove at 9 this morning A full list of sports has been arranged for the afternoon The Knights of Columbus have decided to continue their lawn party on the beach grounds this evening There has been large attendances each night Mrs XVhittemore and family left Thursday for their summer home in South Thu veteran firemen will leave this morning for 'Chicopee where they will take part in the muster RANKLIN COUNTY SHELBURNE ALLS Grammar School Graduation Graduation exercises were held in the Shelburne grammar school yesterday aft ernoon Many of the parents and friends of the' members of the graduating class were present to enjoy the exercises The program as carried out follows: Song motet1 Lord is my es say "Our Howard Eldridge song Old Kentucky essay "The' boy and the Chrystine Gleason essay Ruth Townsend song essay Panama ijvelyn Oates Diplomas were presented by Dr Perry of the school board to the' following pupils: Henry gate Evelyn Oates Howard Eldridge Ruth Townsend Germain' Lone champs Hazel Jangro Charles Goodell Leneita Peters Duane Meacham Eve lyn Townsend' Ernest Goodnow Chrys tine Gleason A special train leaving North Adamsat 7 after the presentation of the pageant of the Mohawk trail has been arranged for Xjy the management of the pjigeant for the accommodation of people living east of North Adams who cannot see the pageant through and return to their homes after it has concluded The regular train running at 610 from North Adams does not accommodate those who 'live in Charlemont Shelburne alls and Greenfield but the special train will per mit the attendauce at tbe pageant and return home to night The Arms academy baseball team will play its last game of the season on the academy campus this afternoon at 3 The team will have for oppon ents the Millers alls athletic association nine whom they played nt Millers alls on April 20 losing a well played game by a score of 3 to 0 The management hopes for a large crowd as several of the games have been played at a loss and it is that the deficiency be made up The dentists of Shelburne alls have made an agreement whereby they willclose their dental rooms aft ernoons through July and August Afrs Julia A Crosier of Koene is the guest of Mr and Mrs Cro sier of Alain street NEW SALEM Commencement week in New Salem be gan Sunday evening when the baccalau reate service for the senior class of academy was held in the Congregational church at the Center Rev Perry Mar shall preached the sermon taking for his text Matthew 17 not that I came to destroy the law or the prophets I came not to destroy but to The graduation exercises took place ridayevening when Miss Susie A Morrison the only member of the senior class this year got the diploma The commence ment address was given by Rev Mr Smith of North Dans The grammar school graduation was held in the Uni tarian church at the Center evening There were eight graduates this year Olive leck Newton and Charles from the Millington school Jean Burffee and Alphonso house from the Cooleyville school Dorothy Potter and Agues Nilson from the North New Salem school and Hazel from the Morse Milage school The graduates took their parts veiy credit ably and the chorus singing bv the chil dren from all the schools who have been trained by Aliss Clara was especially good Tbe regular day concerts were given b(v the children in the Congrega tional' cniirches at the Center and North New Salem Sunday The churches were nrettilv decorated with flowers and flags Rev Haig Adadouriaff read the governor's flag proclamation and preached a short sermon on "The at each church The New Salem minstrels have given their entertainment at the following places during the past few days: Green wich North Dana Ewing and Orange CHARLEMONT A apeeialtrain leaving North Adams at 7 o'clock qfter the presentation of the pageant of the Mohawk trail has been ar ranged for by the management of the pageant for the accommodation of people living oast of North Adams who ennnot see the pageant through and return to tbeir homes after it has concluded The regular train running at 6 10 from North Adams does not necommodate those yho live in Charlemont Shelburno alls and Greenfield but the special train will per mit the attendance at the pageant and return home to night RAN KLIN COUNTY GREENIELD CAMPIRE ETE ORANGE i' 4 is td i SOUTH DEERIELD en STOCKBRIDGE About a week ago Sophia Partyzka wai to 1 married this week drew $150 out of tha bank and had it in a trunk where she bonrijed in the Alden house on the AIontugue road' A man disappeared The High School Gradnailon Eyenia I The high school aenlor junior reception was held in the town hall last evening Rev Chute will preach the bacca laureate sermon to the graduating class Sunday evening in the Congregational church It will be a union service and music will 'be furnished by the combined choirs'ot the ederated and Congregational churches Thu graduating exercise will ne eli in the town hull even ing The program la: March estmarshe Teilman invocation Itev Chute Beth Britton hoa just been sc at the Springfield hospital and there October 1 to train for it Sheffield Is to have a summer kindergar ten school which will run for six weeks the term to open Tuesday July 7 Theewiona when the weather permits will be held out of doors The work will be along the line of the moral athletic and intellectual development nt the pupils There will be ewing manual training folk dances games language story telling moving pictures nnd phonograph concerts Sessions will open at fl30 o'clock and will be in charge of Mias Anna Cassidy The Congregational church horse ahrda are undergoing thorough repairs The grounds have been graded and a new fence built around the property The work was largely volunteer aervjce men coming in good numbers on a stated day and giving their time and labor There was a wedding of interest at the Koine of the bride's mother Mrs Sarah York in Grlswoldville XX'ednesday even ing tbe contracting parties being Blanche York an only daughter and George Her zig son of Air and Mrs Joseph Herzig The ceremony' was performed by Rev Mr Kil mer a former pastor of the Alethodisf church The old shop at Colrnin City so long oc cupied by Smith Hillman for Various purposes and later as a fruit slore and hurber shop has been torn down aud the Heath telephone company will build a public exchange on the site the work bar ing begun Richard Deane master mechanic in tbe employ of the Griawoldville manufactur ing company was taken suddenly ill while at work Tuesday with appendicitis andwent to Greenfield for treatment It la re ported he is in a critical condition The teachers of the oundry illage grammar and primary schools celebrated the close of tha spring term yesterday aft eruoou with a picnic in a grove pear the achool housa ALLS The following women will have of the three assemblies at tbe teniick country club the first of wifi ha npin nn ino Chairman Mr McComb Airs Beebe Mrs A Collins Mre Cul ver Mrs Curtiss Mr red Darlington Mra Durant Mrs II Douglas Mrs Charlea Giddings Mrs Harper Mrs Lane Mrs Mead Mra Afaekie Airs Nisbet Mrs Dodge Peters Miss Sheldon Mbs Howard Whiting and Mrs 25 aiea charge whieh of July 3: about the same time tha girl missed bet money Deputy Sheriff AL XX' Carroll has the case in charge aud is seeking this man A special town meeting will be held Monday evening at the town hall to con sider having an auditor look over the town books The little daughter of Mr and Mrs Paul Klein underwent an operation at the Hill crest hospital in Pittsfield XXedncsday Mr and Mrs Carl De Gersdoff and fam ily have returned from a trip to Boston by motor HlKb School Alomnt Meeting There was a very merry party in the town hall last evening when the 31st an nual reception of the Orange high school alumni association took place There waa a large attendauce and the affair was a de cided auccess much credit being due the officers President Walter Da via President Airs Marden and Secre tary and Treasurer John Roche The members met in the" town 11811 about 6 and at' 0 15 formed in line and marched to the vestry of the Universalist nhiirAh noor hV WnPrP fl I vxee 'r I IL Roden At the close of tha banquet the member filed to the town hall where a short business took place The following officers were elected for the com ing year: President Mrs Warden vice president Charlea II Anthony secre tary and treasurer Donald Osterhout ax cutlve committee Mrs Ostcrhout Susie Emery Mrs Roscoe 1 XX illiama Mr A Reed Thomas Haley Modest ancuf Josephine Clapp Tekla TorelJ Nve Hanson Ruth Powers and Arthur XV Cullen ollowing the busineaa meet ing there was dancing until 12 o'clock in terspersed with readings by an entertainer XVill Burns of Boston Orange high plays it last game of the season this afternoon at Greeniiebl when it meets the Greenfield high school team Thia will make the second contest be tween the two Greenfield winning in the first game in Orange Damon will start in the box tor Orange and Balloq will catch him ollowing a two weeks' vacation which begins the 30th the New Home sewing machine factory will begin on a tiverdaya a week schedule or several weeks it has been running but four days a week Memorial services will be observed by Athenian lodge Knight of Pythias and auxiliary organizations at 2JiO to morrow afternoon in Knight of Pythiaa hall Relative aud friends of the deceased members are invited i On evening tbe 24th Athena 1 chapter Order of Eastern Star will hold a strawberry festival on ths lawn at the home of Air and Mrs Geekier on North Main street The affair will begin' at 730 o'clock All Masons and their fam Hies are invited The members of the union chorus who have recently given two cantatas in the Congregational church are requested to meet in the town hall Sunday afternoon at 530 to prepare for the singing to given in connection with the union service in the town hall the 28th at the old home celebration The chorus will rive at thia time appear" from demption" and turn thee" from The Philomath club will hold its annual outing this afternoon on the lawn of the president Airs Carter on Prospect street The next meeting of the board of direct ors of the district nurse association will be held Tuesday with Mre A violin solo from Mu ssenet by X'ictor I Rebman salu tatory with esauy Jeannette Blanche 8iu clair essay Charles Spurgeop Cooper chorus John Kinross by chorus essay Edna Graves violin solo Sketches part ne Cecil Burleigh: legend part 2 "Over Laughing titers" by Mr Bebman essav Hnrlan Sherman Arms Clare May Twining chorus "Now flood Even ing Good Joseph Brahms ehorns esany and valedictory Richard Jonathan Totman violin solo Sketches part two "To the a 'X'igwam "Sundance" by Mr Rebman presentation of diplomas bene diction The class motto is toi class flower fleur de lis: class col ore nurple and gold class marshal CharlesMcKenzie Tha commencement ball will be held in the town ball riday evening with inusie by orchestra of North ampton The annual dinner of the alumni association will be held in the Congrega tional church July 1 The members of Mt Sagar Loaf lodge will hold their first annual outing at Mt Sueur Loaf park Saturday afternoon the 27th and a large attendance and royal good' tlmo is anticipated An interesting feature will be a ball game between the married men and single men It will ba a big family gathering of Masons and their families There was an attendance of 25 at the meeting of the club this week Airs Mary XVhitney of Bernardston was present and gave a delightful talk on general work of the mothers' club Piano music was furnished by Miss Isabelle Ale Ncrney The meeting was followed by a social hour in which refreshments were served Air and Airs rank Merripan have re turned from their wedding trip and are stonpiug with Air Merrigan's parents Mr nna Mrs XX'ilUtm Merrigan until the house Mr Merrigan recently bought ot the Lucy Howes estate is vacated Mr Mrs Robert Decker gave a birth day party Thursday afternoon for their little Uiree years old daughter Catherine Lawler Decker Twenty five little folks weru present COLRAlN High School Clna Pay The claw day exercises of th Turners alls high school took place 'yesterday afternoon and many of the parents and friends of the pupils attended An ex cellent program was riven and those who took part did themselves proud The ad dress to the undergraduates was given by Edward Collins president of the class and the reply for the undergraduates was given by George Epnler president of the class of 1915 Miss Roe Swntora gave the class history and the class character istics were given by Harold Black and A Hammond Kist The class prophecy was given by Rose Sauter nnu Harold Cuff and the prophecyu the prophets by Theodore Sullivan John II Thomna gave the class will and John Martel made the farewell address The ivy poom was by Edwin Miles and the class song by Charles Stenard There were vocal selections and the usual class day entertainments The annua) of the Turners alls high school alumni association was held in high school hall last evening and it was as usual a rucccss Each member was entitled to one guest ticket and most of them availed themselves of it so that there was good nttenfuiiica Mtis teas furnished by the Colonial orchestra and Aubry of the Columbia cafe entered At intermission the annual meeting of the as sociation was hold nud officer for the en suing year were elected The hnll was prettily' decorated in school and class colors The committee in charge of the affair are entitled to much credit They were as follows: Joseph Harlow man Ralph Stoughton Alfred A ar well rank Keegan Miss Irene arren Mrs rank oster and Miss Elsie Short Booth Representing Month of the Year Arranged tor To Event A fete will be held on'the'lawn of the Congregational pareonaga on 'High street this afternoon and evening by tha CamP flru girls of tho Pocumtuk and Quinnahtuk group There will be booths representing the months of the year as follows: Jan uary booth decorated with white selling home made candy in charge of Harriet Hawkg and' Rena Biekford: ebruary booth with patriotic selling cake In charge of Ruby ranklin: Maren with green decorations selling mysteries in charge of Helen ield and Norma Jfos ter: April decorated for Easter selling tickets to the vaudeville which takes place on the grounds in charge of Thelma Rob inson and Aladeline ield May with pink and white decorations selling nost cardg in charge of Arline Cook and Ruth Dix June decorated with roses soiling candy and fancy work in charge of Ellen Niina and Catherine Robinson July decorated with flags selling ice cream cvnea in charge of Mildred Phillips and Mary Nima August with blue aud white decorations selling sandwiches and marguerites in charge of Marjorie Bell and Helen Gates September deeorated with red and whits selling college lees in charge of Rachel Long and Irene Bates October trimmed with Halloween decorations selling pop corn and peanuts with fortunes in charge of Rotrude Richardson and Afildred ner November with harvest decorations selling lemonade in charge of Ruth Nel son Ruth Carlson and Dorotbv Church December Christmas decorations selling coffee and doughnuts in charge of Pearl Hclbig Besides the booths there will be a vaudeville entertainment oveev 20 min utes at 430 330 630 and 730 Pocumptuck lodge of Odd ellows and the other branches of the order will hold their annual memorial day exercises to morrow They will start from tho Odd ellows' hall at 130 o'clock and visit the Green River cemetery where the graves will bo decorated Those willing to con tribute flowers are asked to leave them at the hall any time Sunday morning up to 1030 o'clock Tho Methodist quartet under the di rection of Reynolds will hold a veser service to morrow evening nt the Methodist church The quartet will bo as sisted by XVesley Richmond violinist Julius Gould trombone soloist and the Misses Eberlein vocalists Edwin Day relief corps will bold a memorial service to dead members to morrow afternoon at 239 o'clock in the Grand Army hall Comrades of the Grand Army members of Col Hopkins eamp Sons of and auxiliary are invited to be present EUiotstopa lodge Knight of Pythias will hold the annual memorial service of the lodge in the Knights of Pythias hall to morrow afternoon nt 2 30 Joseph Jangro will preside and he will be assisted by officers of the lodge The memorial address will be delivered by Oscar ord of the irst Methodist church After the service in tho ball the members will march in a body to the ederal street and Green River cemeteries to decorate the graves of dead brothers All members of the order and Pythian Sisters are invited to attend The fire department was called out yes terday morning at about JO by an alarm rung in from box 21 The steam pipes in the new office building of the Boston and Maine railroad were being tested when someone noticed thesteam coming from the building and think ing it was smoke an alarm was rung in Mrs Michael Hayes wife of Michael Hayes of Hope street died at the rank lin countv public hospital yesterday after an illness of a few weeks Mrs Haves was a native of Ireland but had made her home in Greenfield for many vesrs She leaves no Hear relatives The management of the pageant ofdhe Mohawk trail have arranged for a special train from North Adams east after the pageant this afternoon This train will leave North Adams clock late enough to permit of attendance through the pageant and return to GreentSeld after its close A free entertainment will be given by the management of the to the children of the find second thirJ and fourth grades of the public achoolB this morning from 10 until 1145 clock special program of photo playa of especial interest to children has been prepared and it is expected that the children will have an enjoyable time The 14th annual reunion of the associa tion of the survivors pf Co 27th Massa chusetts regiment will be held to day in the Grand Army hall There will be a business meeting held at 11 in the morning A meeting of the officers and executive committee of the ranklin county teachers association wUl bo held in the high school building to day At this meeting arrange ments will be made for the annual meeting of the association which is to he held in Greenfield this fall Principal Alex ander is member of the executive com mittee and Mis Louise oster is the secretary of be association The first of a series of aheenbakes will be held by Jacob Koch this afternoon at 2 in the Kells grove at Montague City The National Dames of the Civil war will hold their encampment in Memorial hall in Orange to day Many of tha mem bers from ureenueid win attend tms cam pinent TURNERS ALLS To Celebrate Church Annlvyrsavy The anniversary of the organlza tiou of the irst chureh of Christ in Lanesboro will be observed to day and an interestiug program has been arranged 8pcclal invitation la extended to all who have been in any way identified with the church to be present The morning serv iin will be at 104X1 and Mrs Anna Bennett will give a historical address Mrs vapron or itoston a oaugnter or Rev Henry Hooker who was nastor of the church from 1826 until will also take part in the program At the evening service Rev Archibald pastor of the Pilgrim Memorial chureh of Pittsfield will preach on glorious church" GREAT BARRINGTON BERKSHIRE COUNTY LANUSBOKO 1 NORTHIELD Dr and Mrs A Newton and Mr and Mra Henry 8 Ball left Saturday for 10 days at Atlantic City Dr Newton goes to attend the annual meeting of the American medical association During his absence bis practice will be looked after by Dr XX'oodbury of Millers alls 'The members of Harmony lodge of Ma sons and Northfield chapter Order of Eastern Star have been invited to attend the Unitarian church to morrow wtien the pastor will peak on Aoundationa ot in observance of St "jiliss Ida Scott and rank itzpatrick were quietly married in St Patrick a church bv Rev Mr Kirby Tuesday morn ing They left by automobile for Green field where they took the train for New York where they will make their home The graduates of the Northfield high school held a banquet at ranklin Inn last evening and organized an alumni association A change of time on the Connecticut River railroad will begin Monday The first train south in the morning leaves at 445 and the last one up at night at 941 SI iss ccptcd will go nurse InYRAe KfffirHn Ifl tft flBflWT a charge of larceny in court this more ing Upon instruction ot the heirs of thei' estate of the late XVilliam Jenks by' whom ho is employed he seized a large Pierce Arrow touring car that had been! left on a street in Pittsfield by loyal Knight of that city Mr Knight swore I out the complaint for Mr Martins arrest as Knight claims that Mr Jenks made him' a present of thx machine It was the first opportunitr the estate bad to eeire the machine There is much interest in the case As soon aa arrested Mr Martin fur nished ball Notre Dame hall was filled last night when the 15th annual exercises uat marked the ending of the school year for: Notre Dame parochial school were held The members of the graduating class were assisted in entertaining by the pupils in general and the audience thoroughly en joved the program Rev Hamelin ji pastor of Notre Dame church distributed I the diplomas and prizes The orest park country club is to 1 send a team of JO golfers to play the Iloosick alls (N Y) team this afternoon at Iloosick alls Two baseball games are to be played by Adams teams tms aiternoon at the Adams team will play North Adams and at Cheshire the Adams high school nine will play Pittsfield a league game James Lyle Kerr of Adams who has just graduated from the mechanical engineer ing department of Cornell university has accepted a position with the compensa tion board of New York city The position is a very rood one Edward arlin who has taught manual training in the schools at Bellows alla for tbe past year is to teach in tbe Bennington Vt) achools the coming year He is a greduate of Adams high school the itchburg normal art school Henry Howland of Brooklyn is to be a speaker at the service ia old Quaker meeting house to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock The meeting is expected to be large as many descendants of Quakere are in Adams and vicinity baring come to witness or participate in the pageant of tbe Mohawk trail The meeting Is to be public The Turners are to hold a public dance in Turn ball this evening XXalpoles or chestra is to attend Aleg Beaupre who cut two toes off while chopping wood at Hawley came to Adams Thursday to have Dr Des rochers dress the won nds He was quite weak from loss of blood when he reached the physician's office Martin Best an engineer in the Ren frew company's main mill and one of the oldest cmplovei fell down a flight of stairs and sustained severe bruises Thursday Dr II Holmes attended SHEIELD a XlijB XrtrtAn I zxnwuv rtlnn enuren near oy wnere a iwuquri served under the direction of Mre at Great Barrington Thursday night after 1 as linrramn illsAkia RV1 XlPPt fA fnA ilATYlA of Otis Hatch a few weeks ago but hr health rapidly failed She was a native of Holyoke and was thq adopted daughter of Mr and Mrs Conway She leaves a brother XVilliam Norton of Holyoke The funeral arrangements were not completed yesterday John Quinn of Sheffield died yesterday morning at Great Barrington where he had been for severe) days He was locked up there last Saturday afternoon and early Sunday morning he wa attended by a physician and wa discovered that he had been stricken with a shock The physician was called during the night but then it was impossible to tell what if was the trouble with him He was about tM) years OKI ana naa spens me greater part of hie life in Sheffield The Western Union telegraph office is soon to go on the summer schedule and the office will be open from 8 in the morn ing until 12 at night rank Mulhall fins returned from a sev eral trip to New York Peer the contractor has been aw arded the contract to build a cement bridge in the town of South Egremont near the Mt Everett bouse The bridge will have a 3u foot span and will be 20 feet wide The work will be started within a short time A truck horse owned by Sigginslook a lively run on Main street yester day afternoon and threw the driver Mr son Robert out and somewhat injured him He waa taken to his home Dr Schultes who looked after hi in juries The hoy tvs not seriously injured and will recover within a lew days The wagon and harness were: only slightly damaged A card party will be held at 830 thin evening at the Wyantenuck country golf club house for members and house guests Mias Rone Martin of Albany i the guest of Miss Alice Curtin for a few days The second annual ball of the telephone employes was held in the town hall last evening and wag largely attended Thehall was attractively decorated with laurel and was arranged in an effective manner The music was furniahed by Gorman's orchestra of Pittsfield Connolly has gone to New York lor a tew visit witn rnenas Miss Agnes McGraw of New York the guest of Miss McTigue ADAMS.

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

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Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.